So in my town today, @_Sharpy came across a sign in front of the door to his private farm. One of the members from our town, a new player (builder) had placed cobblestone in front of the door, locked via a sign. I immediately assumed he was trying to troll, or grief. Yet this is what it read: He'd blocked up the doorway to prevent people from entering his private farm (Because the owner left the door open). Little things like this make me realize how kind people can be in the ECC community, even those who are new to the server. +1 to ECC, keep it up guys!
This guy is a builder, he locked the sign so that nobody could break the blocks and get through anyway. Sure it wasn't the best approach but he had the right intentions.
+1 I got the wrong view of what you said, though. I was thinking of a little toddler trying to keep someone from doing something bad
Thanks ObbleBobble i didn't even think about i just did it ive been brought up to be a nice kid and i would hope that someone would do the same for me XOXO