Hello Ecocitycraft! As Christmas inches closer and closer, my christmas event will soon be over, therefor, I shall take up another event! A firework spectacular! On new Years eve, at roughly 7:00pm Eastern Standard Time (Time will be adjusted as the event grows closer) the sky's of a chosen city (Will look into a City, or possibly spawn with andrewkm) will be lite up in One thousand+ fireworks! At least, we're hoping for that many. This is going to be a great fun event, I will also hold little mini games afterwards to celebrate the new year, Like a possible Mini Minewars, or golf, or maybe even giveaways of Pyro +! With all of that said, it's also going to be a hard event to hold, it's going to be expensive, and time consuming to put together, which is why we need your help! We're currently looking for donations of anything you have related to Fireworks! Below are some of the things you can donate: Firework Rockets. - 8 points! Firework Stars. - 8 points! Money. - 5 points! ($1,000+) Paper. - 4 points! GUNPOWERS <- 5 points! Diamonds (And other Firework related minerals ) 3 points! Firecharge - 6 points! Each time you donate, you're ranked in a pointless, no one cares, ranking system, awesome eh? Each item above that you donate, you get a certain amount of points, the amount of points you earn, rank you up. The top 3 may be in some sort of draw/prize system at the end of the event. (This may vary) Post below if you wish to donate, and let me know what, and then I will speak with you in-game. Donator Ranks: Paper (10 points): Skatechick22 Gravel (50 points): Viktor2684 a18greek18 Firework Star (75 points): Kevin20468 Firework (100 points): AndusJ Lee1104 Thanks for any contributions, let's make this an awesome event!
Maybe you could help out Jcc00 Jets? http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/ecocitycrafts-firework-spectacular.33752/#post-153738 I should add that by help I ment work together.
Well, I suppose Jetscat has screwed over my firework event, so I guess I will just take part in this. Please lock/delete my thread Jetscat
I don't think I screwed it over, I encourage you to run your own event - Just run it at your own time, two events would be magnificent.
Event back up and running! See ya all at spawn on New Years eve (Monday) at 8:00pm Eastern Standard Time!
Time changed to 4:00pm Eastern Standard time... http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/t...d-reward-50-000-ecodollars.34854/#post-158821