Separate names with a comma.
Code: 1. What is your In-Game-Name? lullibiesGC 2. What town are the protections in? Solstice 3. Are you the mayor or co-mayor? The...
Not true, to be honest.
Oh, thank you.
5k per hour is overpriced in my opinion. I could get a 200x200 farm for 3k an hour
After the update, I cannot log on the server. Not whitelisted. But, I am. I even applied for it back in December. Please solve this soon, I want...
Nothing can be done for animals, and please stop fixing the griefs. ^^ Best wishes, LullibiesGC
You forgot the last question: " 6. Why do you want it gone/reasons?:"
I like the idea, but it'd be triple the chat spam. Some users don't know /ch leave auc
Chances are they removed your stuff since you were banned. Try asking them for it back. The owners of Antiqua can do it eitherway, since it is...
Minecraft Username: Healy299 (He's banned from the forums and game) Reason: He was banned for posting a rude and offending staff application. I...
That could be lag, it sometimes happens to me.
What if I were to make it 20k?
Griefing in the wild is allowed, sorry.
Form: IGN: LullibiesGC Time on server: 2-3 months. What you can contribute: Nice buildings, money, I'll advertise the town, and help out. Some...
Loan Application: IGN: LullibiesGC How long have you been playing the server: More than a month True or False, you must pay the lone completely...
I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but why not just reset the ranks too?
Some people accidentally come in, or get pushed in.....
If you did that and someone accidentally fell, tons would rage.
It takes time to get the donations processed, you need the format too....
Yeah it is.