Separate names with a comma.
In Game Name: bwink66 Have you read the in-depth application instruction: Yes Do you have the applicable cost in your balance: yes How did you...
In Game Name: bwink66 Have you read the in-depth application instruction: I have read the instructions. Do you have the applicable cost in your...
In Game Name: bwink66 Have you changed your Minecraft username since being banned/muted? If so, what is your previous name: No Which of ECC's...
. Accidental post
Yes I sadly died with it. I will be willing to work out a payment schedule
IGN: @bwink66 I, as another party to this contract, agree to the terms laid out for me to uphold, and understand that failure to complete such...
Accused Username: Kingsterjam Complaint: He agreed to pay me 50k upfront for the town of fortunecentral, by the 10th and he still has not payed me...
Don't you need pyro to place fire? Most residents or lower don't even have it so it probably wouldn't be an issue
-1 also the ranks thing is a really bad idea imo
IGN:bwink66 Rank:president Time Available(EST):any time that is needed to play! : Will you try to play every game in the season?yes Have you read...
-1 adding a kit free arena would make kits worthless. I mean like I care about builders, but I worked hard for my kits...... We have payed the...
1. What is your In-Game-Name?bwink66 2. What town are the protections in (Please state the name of the town and link the original town...
Make it FortuneCentral
I would like to be added:)