Separate names with a comma.
RyanBlocks2 does this farm town have a portal? if it does i would be interested in buying perms, but i have my home set elsewhere at my farm town...
felon username: MiniDucky007 what he did: harassed me after getting a warning. also bypassed caps. evidence:,bnDEiJg...
felon username: MiniDucky007 what he did: spammed me via pm at spawn Evidence: This user first scammed me at a...
felon username: djkickass13 what he did: inappropriate name in my opinion. there are children on this server, and i dont like to see names like...
MBK, i own a town that i had to flatten myself, and i could share with you some tips on hiring the right person. If you want some tips on hiring...
IGN: imasurvivor14 Rank: resident complaints: NONE :) money: 110k i believe have you been banned before: once, when i was a newbie.
I, imasurvivor14 the comayor of survivalfarms am announcing its grand opening! it consists of, a 100x200 pumpkin farm, 100x100 melon farm AND just...
IGN: imasurvivor14 (comayor of survivalfarms) Town that was griefed: survivalfarms survivalfarms is a protected farm town, which i have been...
IGN: imasurvivor14 affiliation: co-mayor of survivalfarms Town name: survivalfarms the grief is in a protected farm town, which i have been...
felon username: tyler6cool , PyroDragonGX, and vanmaren_dude what they did: harassed me on ECC at a storage wars, when i was trying to help...
I shall be either a pumpkin pie baker or a general :/ i dont care which one :) sounds fun
IGN: imasurvivor14 Town: survivalfarms (co mayor) the coordinates are: X:-2662 Y:63 Z:-4957 these protections belong to thequad614. one...
I have a town that i am comayor too. its called "survivalfarms". it has a 100x200 pumpkin farm, and soon (in like 3-4 days) it will have a 100x100...
no, unfortunately i do not have one of the actual transaction.
I will check if i have one.
I dont have one, but you can check my balance after was 200 ecodollars, and he clearly admitted that i sent him the money. also, after he scammed...
he said in one of them "if you give me the axe i will give you your money back." then i said "all 6k?" and he said mhm admitting that i gave him...
felon username: the_fah_king what happened: he posted in chat, selling a pumpkin axe for 6k. jumping in on the deal, i accpeted and payed him his...
In Game Name: imasurvivor14 Do you have the applicable cost in your balance: Yes How did you make the funds for this application: I bought the...
Minecraft Username: imasurvivor14 Reason Banned: Spamming Counter Reason: My little brother got on to my account and was messing around!...