Separate names with a comma.
In Game Name: Jobin_Whiffer1 Have you read the in-depth application instruction: I have read the instructions. Do you have the applicable cost in...
Minecraft Username: Jobin_Whiffer1 Have you changed your Minecraft username since being banned? If so, what is your previous name?: No Which of...
Felon Username: Mika8117 Complaint: Mika agreed to buy my eff7 via payment plan for 850k over the span of a month and a day. He has been offline...
IGN: @Jobin_Whiffer1 Users Involved in this Contract: @Mika8117 @Jobin_Whiffer1 General Purpose of Contract: Eff7 Sale via Payment Plan. I...
Minecraft Username: Jobin_Whiffer1 Have you changed your Minecraft username since being banned? If so, what is your previous name?: I have not...
Minecraft Username: Jobin_Whiffer1 Reason of Ban: Breach of contract Rule violated: Failed to return 800k to a user via payment plan. Please...
Felon Username: Victorparas Complaint: I sold my eff7 pickaxe named "Gordo'sPic2" To the user victorparas on a payment plan, and the same day that...
IGN: @Jobin_Whiffer1 Users Involved in this Contract: @Jobin_Whiffer1 @victorparas General Purpose of Contract: Selling my eff7 I (the contract...
Felon Username: Fenexium Complaint: I had rented him my eff7 named "Stone Hugger", and when it came time to return it, he was not online. Later...
IGN: Jobin_Whiffer1 Do you have the applicable cost in your balance: I do Which world is this application taking place in (Legacy/Rising): Rising...
IGN: @Jobin_Whiffer1 Users Involved in this Contract: @Chundi_Jr @Jobin_Whiffer1 General Purpose of Contract: Star rod rental I (the contract...
IGN: @Jobin_Whiffer1 Users Involved in this Contract: @TheZombieMuffin @Jobin_Whiffer1 General Purpose of Contract: Nstar transferral I (the...
IGN: @Jobin_Whiffer1 Users Involved in this Contract: @ironsloth1993 @Jobin_Whiffer1 General Purpose of Contract: Selling ownership to a swanky...
IGN: Jobin_Whiffer1 Users Involved in this Contract: aporth General Purpose of Contract: He will be paying me back 111k to pay back a loan....
IGN: Jobin_Whiffer1 Users Involved in this Contract: aporth General Purpose of Contract: I will be renting aporth 100k and he will be returning...
IGN: Jobin_Whiffer1 Users Involved in this Contract: ScoobieBoy General Purpose of Contract: I will be renting Scoobie's Melon sword for 1 hour,...
Felon Username Jimmyz0811 Complaint So on sunday, JimmyZ0811 rented my eff7 pickaxe for an hour, for 5k. About 40 mins into the hour, he logged...
IGN: Jobin_Whiffer1 Users Involved in this Contract: David_Torento General Purpose of Contract: Proof, if a discrepancy comes up. I (the...
So guys, I have heard advantages and disadvantages of each, so now its time to take a vote on which one is better for making money. Please vote...
Felon Username clownprinc98 Complaint Did not correctly sign contract, and now is taking too long (i want to remove the contract, that is the...