Separate names with a comma.
In Game Name: travellord Have you changed your Minecraft username since being banned/muted? If so, what is your previous name: No Which of ECC's...
I disconnected a couple of days ago in the end and when I rejoined, I was able to fly. I did not activate using the fly command, i just had it. I...
Looking for someone who can get me fly feature. Paying around 9k per usd. PM me
Confused about stone prices, make no sense Stone bricks are $0.10 but normal stone is $0
In Game Name: Travellord Have you read the in-depth application instruction: Yes Do you have the applicable cost in your balance: Yes How did you...
I'm working on macromod code that will allow me to do calculations that have decimals. However, I'm having trouble specifically with the MATCH...
Before getting into how to magma mine right, here is what you'll need [SPOILER] [Spoiler] [Spoiler] [Spoiler] If you guys knows places that...
Accused Username: toohd Complaint: Loan Scamming? Toohd has already been banned once for not paying this loan. He was un banned and was supposed...
Accused Username: @tooHD Complaint: Loan scamming for 260k ECD. Repayment is 1 day late. No repayments yet. Evidence: I know that he is only late...
Simple question. How do you remove a poll from a thread?
What I'm suggesting is a button that only the creator of a thread on a forum can use. Basically it allows them to press a button that bumps their...
Simply put this morning when we were on the old forum all the links, drop downs, and page loading were extremely snappy and fast. Now when I came...
It would be cool if we could download worlds but I noticed that world downloaders are illegal. I'm not suggesting to allow people to download...
Traveling Loans Company A Travellord Company Overview: Minimum Loan Size: 0 ECD Current Available Funds: 200,000 ECD (Current Loans) Total...
Because anyone can place water nowadays and the only advantage water has is you get a kit and no cooldown it would be cool if we just consolidated...
I currently have a frost walker II book that came into my possession. I do not know what it is worth so just start posting your offers below like...
I'm buying a town claim that can be put up in around 20 days. Post your prices down below or pm me.
Well I was just thinking that due to the nature of buying features now, they must be done in game, it greatly limits when you can buy them as you...