Separate names with a comma.
1. What is your In-Game-Name? BAK12345 2. Have you read the in-depth instructions for this application? Yes 3. Are we removing LWC Protections...
Town Information - 2-floor pumpkin and melon farm. - Pumpkins are fully complete. - Melons are almost fully complete. - Tons of empty chests in...
Spleef Tournament! Win $$$! I am announcing that panda7799 and myself are hosting a spleef tournament! There is a limit of **24** people who...
Felon Username: dumdudio123 Complaint: Swearing at me Evidence: Additional Information: None
Felon Username: Bigjay2404 Complaint: He sold me 3 stacks of iron ingots and then refused to give them to me because I wanted him to give them to...
IGN:BAK12345 Users Involved in this Contract: Zedoker General Purpose of Contract: To ensure that the loan I am providing Zedoker with is on...
Felon Username:FiFyFoFumOtter Complaint:He sold me a 10x10 plot in his town for $303, and when he gave it to me it was a 10x10 square of...
Felon Username: Pancakesplatter Complaint: Swearing in chat Evidence: Additional Information: None
I am now hiring worker to clear pland and/or place dirt I am now hiring workers to clear land and/or place dirt in my town Chitown. This job is...
Please read the *Entire Post* I'm sure it will answer most of your questions I am now renting out my Efficiency 4 Silk Touch 1 Unbreaking 3...
IGN:BAK12345 Are you a Resident:Yes I am Do you have the applicable cost in your balance:Yes I do How did you make the funds for this application....
Username:BAK12345 Reason: Griefing a plot that had an town application. Counter-Reason: I have no counter reason as what I did was completely...
Username:BAK12345 Reason:Griefing a town that had an application on que. Counter-Reason:The town was missing the coordinates for Post D. Evidence:...
IGN:BAK12345 Do you have the applicable cost in your balance:Yes How did you make the funds for this application. (Lying will result in a...
This guy who owns Chompinville, CHOMPIN_02 removed my plot and built a house on top of it. He is breaking Section VII Clause IV which states that...