By Hayden on Apr 8, 2016 at 6:13 AM
  1. Hayden

    Apr 2, 2016
    Trophy Points:
    Hello everyone,

    General Information
    In this announcement I will be giving you all simple, yet informative information regarding the upcoming network reset. Please note, this is not the full reset / change log, this is just informing you about what we are doing (this is very vague and may change in the future).

    I would Not be making this post unless we were certain that we're coming close to the reset, AEMNetwork 2.0 (doesn't that just roll off the tongue). We want everyone to get very excited. (#Hype #Hype #Hype) Please let your friends, past and present, know about the reset. We know there have been many players that have left due to lack of updates and staff absence. (We were once 1,000 players strong!) I will let you all know NOW that this is no longer the case. There will be fixes / updates everyday and staff presence will be better than ever. Again, we will be creating a change log upon release for all of you to keep track of the changes / fixes to your beloved AEM.

    News Letter
    During the past few days the team and I have been brainstorming, thinking of ways to get the attention of old players. In doing this we have thought of the idea of a "Network News Letter". The news letter will occur monthly, with all the information of the forums compiled into a short, easy to read letter. Anyone with a forums account will receive this letter, however, there will be the option to unsubscribe from it. We Do Not encourage that, as there will be exclusive content updates, and store coupon codes for the readers.

    Donor Ranks
    Donors ranks will not be nerfed at all. Actually, there're more permissions and better gear for you to enjoy.

    Reminder: there is a 35% off sale currently active!

    Servers Resetting
    Servers that will be released on the first day, will include...
    • Survival
    • Skyblock
    • Skygrid
    • Creative
    Servers that will be released after the release date will be...
    • Prison
    • Zombies
    • KitPvP
    • Skywars
    • Factions
    We'll be releasing the servers above about every 3 days after the release date, so if you're waiting on your favorite server add to your multiplayer list and keep checking back to see if they're released.

    I'm sure many of you have questions, here is a 3 question Q 'n' A... Please do not be shy / afraid to ask your own questions in the reply's to this announcement.

    Q. Dwizofizzle, will I lose my rank?
    A. No young man / lady, you will not, there is however a 35% OFF sale right now at that will not be lasting much longer, get those ranks you've always wanted because when the reset comes it's going to be lit, fire. One second, I think my house is already on fire.

    Q. When will the reset be?
    A. Well, the reset is very close, be sure to add it to your multiplayer server list and let all your friends know about the reset. We're hoping that in the next 1 - 2 week we'll be ready for a full scale release. We'll release a more informative announcement when we have a set release date.

    Q. Will everything be changed?
    A. Difficult question, we want to bring you a set of servers that no longer have generic features, doing so will be the result of things changing, this is not a bad thing. I have been lucky enough to work with some of the biggest servers and gain knowledge about server building. You will not be upset, there's new builds, color scheme and more custom features for all of you to enjoy.

    Closing Notes
    Please, if any of you have questions about the information above, please reply to this announcement and one of the many active staff will reply to you.

    May I add that all the staff and I have put in many hours to create the best experience for the AEM players and there is no sign of slowing down any time soon.

    Web Addresses
    AEMNetwork IP -
    AEMNetwork TeamSpeak IP -
    AEMNetwork Website -
    AEMNetwork Buycraft - (35% OFF SALE ACTIVE)

    Keep being awesome! #hype
    - Hayden, Sway and the reset of the AEM staff
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Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Hayden, Apr 8, 2016.

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    1. Shadowlegendz
      When will first resets come in? This week or next week or ?
    2. Sway
      We're hoping for next friday
    3. Captain_Ethan11
      I cant wait for zombies, zombies is my favorite and ive played zombies for almost 2 years now im a big fan of it and put alot of time into it. When do you think it will be resetted?
    4. keshawn
      what will the dimensions of the new sky block worlds be?
    5. Summer
    6. Rainingrecon
      Hmm... this *might* be enough for me to come back to the server. Seeing more than a handful of people on skyblock will be refreshing.
    7. Chewie
      I hope it will be atleast what it is now, if not bigger.
    8. Enthaos
      If it gets any bigger I don't know how I'm gonna fill a layer XD Jk
    9. Old_Mc_Donald
      Ik i wa lazy...i didnt wana type a wierded number
    10. Electrospeed
      i inderstand there is a new spawn,but is there going to be a new world. or will it be the same world with all of are stuff/homes are gone?
    11. Sway
      There is a new world. The point of a reset is to wipe everything, but if you read through the posts, you will keep any ranks you purchased or even perks.
    12. Electrospeed
      ok Awasome thanks Sway!
    13. VenusFangs
      Ooooh, seeeeeecret vooooooters!
    14. Electrospeed
      Secert... v..voters 0.0
    15. VenusFangs
      Oh, I forgot...I know you mentioned somewhere how long the current sale for ranks, etc would be going on, but will it be on past the reset? I ask because (if you keep it that way, that is) in-game money is often included as part of the perk of purchasing a rank up, and since our in-game money will be lost, I'd prefer to buy any upgrades after the reset. Will that be a thing? :-D
    16. Electrospeed
      and another Question, in the reset will the new End citys be in the reset aswell?
    17. Sway
      New end cities?

      Anything purchased before the reset is resent to the servers afterwards but this sale should be good until the 1st of next month.
    18. Electrospeed
    19. enderlink
      New feature of 1.9.
    20. VenusFangs
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