Minecraft Name: Caitlin_Crime Suggestion: Add a Trail Collector Medal if all trails are purchased. Reason: There are currently 29 trails and I feel that this would make trails more popular if people knew that there could be a medal involved. Also, there are other cosmetic feature medals such as the Pet Medals, and I think this would be a cool idea as 29 trails are quite a bit. Any Other Information: I think this could be a cool thing to bring to the table and can encourage more supporters to buy trails! Link To This Plugin: N/A.
There could be one trail medal, or just like the pet medal there could be 3, such as the first is 5 basic trails + 3 premium, and so on.
I'm against the idea of adding medals for specific features as we already have supporter medals that cover all features.
It would totally be Epic Tagging my friend so we could get more trails if there would ever be a trail metal! @GAMERMEL2002 Ik you leik teh trails @HyruleanHero