Minecraft Name: Jacob43365 Suggestion: Add a plugin to stop people from using alternative accounts Reason: Lately tons of people have been getting banned for one thing or another, and then they just get on ECC with another account and mass scam (Ex. Jack121999 scamming over 750k when it was really a account bypass). A ban serves no purpose if they can still get on Any Other Information: WOULD NOT AFFECT OTHER HOUSEHOLD PLAYERS. There is a way to make exceptions for the plugin, so if you notified another staff about your sibling then they could add you to the list. Link To This Plugin: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/ip-check-jnk/
I don't think this plugin is in use. I might be wrong though. I do know that players ranked "administrators" (in this case, Mods, SMods, GAs etc) can see a players IP when they do /seen. But then again I could be totally wrong. (This is based on the last time I checked on a private server) +1
They only catch alt accounts when someone mass scams and they suspect it's an alt account. This plugin can tell them without them needing to check it.
I assume so because of the same IP. But that could be solved the way it is currently handled - multiple people need to inform staff before.
This would also have to be coded for 1.8 As its 1.7.9 is im correct, it looks like a neat little idea though.
+1 i like the idea. people brought up mutiple users in the same household. if one person gets banned the other people get banned for bypassing ban.. ive seen it tons of times in the ban appeals. even if different people own/play on the accounts. mods require a ban appeal from the first person to allow the other one/ones to get back on... sadly mission is right. and if its not compatible with 1.8 it cant be used. i hope this suggestion gets around to the devs. maybe they can get behind the project or talk to who is behind the project to show support/interest in the plugin.
-100 I don't want to be banned because of my brothers. Sorry but if this affects all of the people in a household I disagree
There's ways to make exceptions in the plugin, as long as you notified a staff member of your brother then you would be good.
+1 I have taken more interest in the scam/complain issue in ECC after I fell for a scam myself. I have read through the forum section and it's obvious something has to be done in regards to alternative accounts used to scam funds and those funds being transferred back to the main. It's a too easy scheme and there will be many old timers and new who will see and use this opportunity. ECC seems very vulnerable here Though given solution will not resolve the issue, since evil/lazy minds can always say (prior to scamming) that account XYZ is my brother.. and the wheels keep on spinning.
+1/-1 +1 I would give this a plus one as it would stop users alt accounting for economic gain and/or hacking in SG. I believe it would help us to combat these issues. -1 However if, like @BuyLowSeIIHigh said, we may have the problem of someone saying an alt account is their brother/sister and the staff believe them and add them, then the scamming and/or hacking starts again. If this could some how be combatted it would most certainly be a full +1. Taylor P.S. I thought it was illegal to view another persons IP address, I think it may be in the UK?
I understand the sentiment behind this however there are issues with flat out banning alternate accounts (I'm not going to get into them in detail for security reasons... though just one example: If we allow siblings to share IPs and not alts... well do you all know if I have siblings, or how many? Can you?) I do like the plugin and the functionality it could provide to staff however it is not updated to 1.8 and there doesn't seem to be anything similar that is.