Thread Title: ClearInventory Command Minecraft Name: Mr_Doom_Bringer Suggestion: A Make Sure command for /ci Reason: People lose valuable stuff due to the fact /ci is here Other Information: It could be like: If you do /ci, it would give you a messege saying: Are you sure to clear your inventory? If you do this, you lose ALL your stuff! And this wouldn't have to remove the command nor make people lose stuff! Link to this plugin: Nope! Just being creative!
i just saw Falconaire (not blaming him) talking about the /ci command in chat. I didn't know what it was so I then did /ci. This was not smart but I had no idea what /ci was. I then deleted my eff 7 pickaxe and all my other tools and weapons. If there is any way for me to get this back it would be amazing and i know this has been a problem for many users when using the /ci command. It would be greatly appreciated if you could return this to me. Thank you.
Falconaire 12345shane VTFAN8 Also, VTFAN, you are not allowed to do @ andrewkm, so mods, do your mody mod.
I think the solution to this problem is to remove the shortcut if possible... It can be confusing if it is /ci, but it is pretty self explanatory as /clearinventory
I 100% support this idea. Even before today, I always found the command highly dangerous. All it takes is 1 typo and you lose everything you hold dear. And unfortunately, I finally succumbed to the command... I accidentally powertool'ed /ci to potatoes at some point I guess (only explanation I can think of) and lost my Efficiency 7 Pickaxe, which sucks. So for the suggestion, this is a must. A /ci confirm command, or something along the lines, would save tons of people from the devastation that can come along with clearing your inventory.
+1 lost about 100k due to this and I really about quit ECC. (all my primary tools and at the time had no backups or $$$)
I can see how this works for power tools, but otherwise if you are typing than I think my suggestion could work fine.
I guess I'm in the minority. Forgive me and my 'not being able to say this tactfully'. No offense is meant. If you are using the command, surely you would know what you are doing. Otherwise, why use it? I don't see a need for the system to say "Hey, are you sure you want to do what you just told me you want to do?" Obviously I do, or I wouldn't have done it. *Hence why I never use that command.
Mine was dumb, flat out stupidity on my fault. But "/ci"? A two letter long command that immediately clears your inventory like it never existed? What if you're doing "/cinfo" for example and end up with a typo, or even wonder if you can shorten it with "/ci". I've never used the command on purpose, yet I still did it with my powertool somehow. Alternatively, maybe just get rid of "/ci" completely and keep it at its unshortened version "/clearinventory"? My point is that the command is so darn unforgiving. It really just sucks to lose everything in the blink of the eye because of negligence or a typo/mistake.
You bring up an excellent point. I completely see what you are saying. something this powerful should be unique. I change my stance. I am onboard with removing the '/ci' and leaving it as '/clearinventory' only. This was the suggestion that I once posted. I agree that we need to get rid of those shortcut command as much as possible, and only leave long command thats very obvious to figure out what it's doing, which is "/clearinventory"... if someone start trolling in global chat like "let's all do /ci", or something like that, you can't guess what "ci" stands for.. so people would try it.. this is highly dangerious command that should be removed. and by the way, i don't want this command to be perfectly gone, but as i suggested earlier above the link, i want them to somehow change it, to make them useful. so it can be actually used in safe way. like for example, only clearing the 1st 2nd and 3rd rows, and not clearing the 4rth row(where you put important tools and switch around with numberkeys), or just make a exception on not clearing enchanted tool.. i prefer the way of not clearing the 4rth row, because when you are grinding exp at mob spawner, you sometimes get crappy enchanted things such as "blast protection 1" for leather pants or something... and take out all the shortcut commands like "/ci" and "/clear", but only leaving very long one, "/clearinventory".. With that long obvious command, people can't troll, because it's so obvious to figure out what it is, even before trying it.
I believe I disagreed with the need of this suggestion multiple times in the past, for various reasons. I'd be fine with /ci being removed, but I don't entirely see it needed. :/ (I honestly use the command often - considering what it does - and having a shortcut command is handy.) Far as I know, /ci and /clearinventory come with EXTCommands, right? When you buy a donation feature, it is your responsibility to know what comes with it. As well, it is your responsibility to read the rules / Wiki. You should never go and do a command without knowing what it does... It really only takes a minute or two to look it up, or a few seconds to ask someone. Not very hard. I somewhat see the concept that you could "typo" /cinfo, but that is a pretty far stretch. Well... Very far. Only if you are intoxicated, sleep deprived, or very hyperactive would it likely happen. There's enough letter difference that it likely won't happen. Besides, if you are any of those things, you probably shouldn't be in a game, or should be taking more action to be careful. If it's happened otherwise and often, such as lag or a broken macro, I can understand.
I totally see where you're coming from, it does state the command for /ci and what it does, however, I would like to see it only be /clearinventory, as this is a simple fix and still keeps the command. And plus, this command seems like it really doesn't even have a point, I've never been in nor could I see myself be in a situation where I would want EVERYTHING out of my inventory forever.