NOTE: I had to remove the script that updates your balance on joining the game due to changes that were made to the server and caused this to no longer work. So it will be your responsibility to check your balance on logging in to update the macro label. Ok so first off you will need to find out what your macro active key is, To do this hit your escape key and go to "options" then "controls, You may have to hit the ">>" button to see it but you want to find your macro activate key, mine is grave which is the "~" button under then escape key which is the default key. (As shown below) Now that you know your macro activate key you want to return ingame and hold crouch and click your macro activate key, For me and also by default it is (Shift + ~). You should have a screen with your keyboard display and then you will want to click the GUI editor button in the bottom right corner. (also shown in the screenshot below). Once you have done that you will have the screen like the one below be display, here you will want to either double click or click the little pencil on the ingame tab in the left pane on the screen. (Shown below) In the next screen we want to create a button so in the lower left corner click the "Button panel commands" button and click "AddLabel". (As shown below) Now you will need to choose where on the screen you want you balance to be displayed, personally I prefer the top right hand corner. Do not worry too much about where you put it you can simply move it later without having to do this all over again. Once you have chosen a spot for you balance to be displayed and you have placed the label a properties window will appear, in this window you will need to set the control name to "balance", you can also chance the other properties of the label here such as color. I personally prefer to change the Text align option to "middle centre" and the background color opacity to zero so I don't have a black box around it. But when changing the control name to "balance" make sure it is the control name you are changing and not the label text. (Once again, Below) Now that you have created the label we need to add the scripts that are going to put your balance in that label. To do this lets head back to that screen that had your keyboard on it, but this time in the top right hand corner it should say "Macro Bindings: Keys" you want to click the little arrow on the right of that once, this will take you to the "macro Bindings: Events" page, On this page you will need to click the "Text Editor" button in the lower right corner. (And once again) In the page the is displayer you will want to click in the "create a new file" text box and write "balchecker" I also like to keep everything non capitalised incase it is case sensitive in the future (just for easy reference) and then kit the create button. (You know where it is) Now you should have had a screen like a text document appear, this is where you will need to past the script that will read chat and update your balance in the label accordingly: (This is a fairly long script this time round guys) Code: $${ STRIP(&chat,%CHAT%) IFMATCHES(%&chat%,^\[EcoDollars\] (.*)\.(.*)) MATCH(%&chat%,^\[EcoDollars\] \$(.*),{@&balance}) IFMATCHES(%@&balance%,^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)) MATCH(%@&balance%,^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+),{#balanceround,#rest}) SET(&balance,%#balanceround%.%#rest%) ENDIF ELSE IFMATCHES(%&chat%,^\[EcoDollars\] \$(.*)) MATCH(%&chat%,^\[EcoDollars\] \$(.*),{@&balance}) IFMATCHES(%@&balance%,^([0-9]+)) MATCH(%@&balance%,^(.*),{#balanceround}) SET(&balance,%#balanceround%) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF SETLABEL(balance,Balance: $%&balance%,balance) IFMATCHES(%&chat%,\$[0-9]+\.\d\d has been taken from your account\.) MATCH(%&chat%,\$([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+),{#dollartaken,#centstaken}) IF(#centstaken > %#rest%) #rest = #rest + 100 #rest = #rest - #centstaken #dollartaken = #dollartaken + 1 #balanceround = #balanceround - #dollartaken ELSE #rest = #rest - #centstaken #balanceround = #balanceround - #dollartaken ENDIF SET(&balance,%#balanceround%.%#rest%) ENDIF IFMATCHES(%&chat%,\$[0-9]+ has been taken from your account\.) MATCH(%&chat%,\$([0-9]+),{#dollartaken}) #balanceround = #balanceround - #dollartaken SET(&balance,%#balanceround%.%#rest%) ENDIF IFMATCHES(%&chat%,\$[0-9]+\.\d\d has been added to your account\.) MATCH(%&chat%,\$([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+),{#dollaradded,#centsadded}) #rest = #rest + #centsadded IF(#rest > 99) #dollaradded = #dollaradded + 1 #rest = #rest - 100 ENDIF #balanceround = #balanceround + #dollaradded SET(&balance,%#balanceround%.%#rest%) ENDIF IFMATCHES(%&chat%,\$[0-9]+ has been added to your account\.) MATCH(%&chat%,\$([0-9]+),{#dollaradded}) #balanceround = #balanceround + #dollaradded SET(&balance,%#balanceround%.%#rest%) ENDIF IFMATCHES(%&chat%,\$[0-9]+\.\d\d has been sent to (.*)\.) MATCH(%&chat%,\$([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+),{#dollartaken,#centstaken}) IF(#centstaken > %#rest%) #rest = #rest + 100 #rest = #rest - #centstaken #dollartaken = #dollartaken + 1 #balanceround = #balanceround - #dollartaken ELSE #rest = #rest - #centstaken #balanceround = #balanceround - #dollartaken ENDIF SET(&balance,%#balanceround%.%#rest%) ENDIF IFMATCHES(%&chat%,\$[0-9]+ has been sent to (.*)\.) MATCH(%&chat%,\$([0-9]+),{#dollartaken}) #balanceround = #balanceround - #dollartaken SET(&balance,%#balanceround%.%#rest%) ENDIF IFMATCHES(%&chat%,\$[0-9]+\.\d\d has been received from (.*)\.) MATCH(%&chat%,\$([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+),{#dollaradded,#centsadded}) #rest = #rest + #centsadded IF(#rest > 99) #dollaradded = #dollaradded + 1 #rest = #rest - 100 ENDIF #balanceround = #balanceround + #dollaradded SET(&balance,%#balanceround%.%#rest%) ENDIF IFMATCHES(%&chat%,\$[0-9]+ has been received from (.*)\.) MATCH(%&chat%,\$([0-9]+),{#dollaradded}) #balanceround = #balanceround + #dollaradded SET(&balance,%#balanceround%.%#rest%) ENDIF IFMATCHES(%&chat%,\[LOTTERY\] You got (.*) for \$(.*)) MATCH(%&chat%,^\[LOTTERY\] You got (.*) for \$((.*)),{&fill,#lotamount}) #balanceround = #balanceround - #lotamount #rest = #rest SET(&balance,%#balanceround%.%#rest%) ENDIF IFMATCHES(%&chat%,^\[LOTTERY\] Congratulations go to %PLAYER% for winning \$(.*) with .*) MATCH(%&chat%,\[LOTTERY\] Congratulations go to %PLAYER% for winning \$((.*)) with (.*),{#winamount,&fill}) #balanceround = #balanceround + #winamount SET(&balance,%#balanceround%.%#rest%) ENDIF IF(#rest < 10) SET(&rest,"0%#rest%") SET(&balance,%#balanceround%.%&rest%) ENDIF SETLABEL(balance,Balance: $%&balance%,balance) SET(@&bal,$%&balance%) }$$ You paste it in the window using Ctrl + V for windows and Command + C for Mac. Once you have pasted it into that window you want to hit save in the lower right hand corner. (one more time and yes this is a screen from the old balance display macro) Now you want to go back to your "Macro Bindings: Events" page and click on the "onChat" event button. (I lied ) And then write the following in the text bar at the bottom: Code: $$<balchecker.txt> Now click save. If you did everything correctly then your label in the corner should now show your balance and will update every time you pay someone, buy from a trade sign, shout or even win the lottery. If you have found anything wrong with this please send me a forum pm and I will do what I can to fix it, also if you have any trouble please do not Pm me ingame, send me a forum Pm instead, Do not expect it to be perfect but I have had 2 - people test it and it works so if you do find something wrong please tell me. Also kukelekuuk00 would you mind having a look at the code and point out any improvements I could make, I had to rewrite your original balance macro to made it fit in with what I wanted to do and I want to know if there is like some kind of fatal fault or a way I could make it shorter.
When I try to relog, I cant rejoin the server.I get some some error messages and now it says im temporary denied to join the server.