My ECC Goals: I hope to make this as extensive as possible! Even if it takes a million edits! Spoiler: Goals Met CCP CCPP Special Features: Teleport ($20 feature) Progress: $0/$110k @5.5k/USD MultiHomePlus (15 homes, $30 feature) Progress: $0/$165k @5.5k/USD Water ($15 feature) Progress: $0/$82.5k @5.5k/USD Pyro Plus ($30 feature) Progress: $0/$165k @5.5k/USD ExtCommandsPlus ($100 feature) Progress $0/$550k @5.5k/USD Survival Games Kits: SpyPlus (already have /kit spy with a 30 min cooldown, $15 feature) Progress: $0/$82.5k @5.5k/USD MakeItQuickPlus2 ($75 feature) Progress: $0/$412.5k @5.5k/USD BufferPlus2 (already have /kit bfr with a 30 min cooldown, $60 feature) Progress: $0/$330k @5.5k/USD HunterPlus2 ($50 feature, already have /kit hnt) Progress: $0/$275k @5.5k/USD PerfectFitPlus (already have /kit pf with a 30 min cooldown, $40 feature) Progress: $0/$220k @5.5k/USD Total Cost to Achieve ALL of My ECC Goals: $2,392,500 If you see anything that is incorrect/invalid, please make a reply on this thread! Thank you!
Is [LOLOLOLOL] going to be your custom tag? Because that's a little spammy and obnoxious. What about something more reflective of your ign
Also guys, I will edit this into my actual Goals list, but please correct me if you see any math that is incorrect or invalid.
It'll be up to you, Im just saying that I don't think people will take too kindly to it because it's pretty spamtastic
Hm, I can't think of anything else. If you think of anything, I would love to hear your input via forum pm xD
OMG OMG OMG! BEST IDEA EVAR!!! [JingleBells]. But just now, I'm hearing I can't have an 11-letter custom tag...I'm double checking the shop for info EDIT: nope, 10 letters max...
Updated, bought /kit bfr last Saturday, April 26, 2014 and bought /kit ccp at 3 AM this morning at $4.5k/USD, thanks to @spaenjj for donating!
Updated: added more goals bought /kit pf from @iEvolive for $120k @$6k/USD on Saturday, June 7, 2014 at 9:37 PM. Thanks for donating @iEvolive !