FOR SALE: Southcaster Manor and Vault Former headquarters and mansion of @jmichael214, Founder and Mayor of Lancaster City. Centrally located in Southcaster, Lancaster's original suburb, the Manor contains the following: 1. Dozens of rooms, including underground storage (three underground floors of rooms in addition to the Vault) and five grand halls on the main floor, plus five huge rooms on the second floor, not including the tower. 2. Just steps from the Southcaster Portal 3. A tower with views of the surrounding city 4. High-end materials and workmanship throughout the Manor, and An underground vault, accessed only by fly through a hidden entrance, or by /tp or /home, which holds 88 single chests and 396 double chests, already organized and ready for use. Look! The Vault (you'll need fly to use it): The Vault is already organized. @jmichael214 moved and left the whole setup intact. Just add locks: The Manor from the front: The Manor from the air: The Great Hall: Top-of-the-line workmanship throughout: The view of central Southcaster from the front steps: Interested? Make @jmichael214 an offer in-game or by forum pm. Want him to be interested in your offer? Make it six figures.
@jmichael214 ... just... sigh. I love your builds! This is amazing. It's crazy to think there is a bigger house to replace this.
Oh wow, I wish I weren't working towards paying off a payment plan right now! This is absolutely gorgeous.
OK, perhaps $100k was an unrealistic expectation. I will entertain serious offers less than that. I'll also entertain any offers made by Pacificlands, if that town would like to pay me to demolish any part of the house to make the entryway to their town more accessible. @gaget122
I checked out the house yestarday, and managed to find the vault the hard way (good bye max sword), but I am still very interested in buying it. I can do 40k, that's my current /bal. If you think that's too low I understand.
SOLD. If threads in this forum are ever locked, please lock? @Mission001 tagged just because we're neighbors and he'll forgive me for tagging him.