Hello my name is dequande1 Minecraft Username: Dequande1 Reason:X-Ray Modding Counter-Reason:i was hacked with a "last Login" Evidence: n/a but you can moderate me often I was banned for X-ray Modding This has angered me very much I was contacted by a player he did not give his IGN. he added me on skype and told me that i would get free Eco-Dollars if i gave him this thing called Last Login. so i sent it and the next thing i know i cant log on. i have just got on because i have changed the pass but i cant get on because there was a ban. Please appeal my ban i don't care if u look at my account and scan for hacking or whatever i have recently donated also. please help me out. i know i am responsible for giving the last login but i was scammed. Please let me back in Thank you
What happens on your account is your responsibility, and we do not unban for xray. However, as a donator you may be able to appeal your ban to Andrewkm directly through the forums. If accepted, you'll be let back on with a strict temp-ban. Locked.