Zeurals' Achievements Goals | Status Ranks: Builder ■ $0 ECD Resident ■ $5,000 ECD Mayor ■ 85,000 ECD President ■ 180,000 ECD Tycoon ■ EcoLeader ■ EcoMaster ■ EcoLegend ■ Features: Teleport ■ $22.73 AUD Fly ■ $68.19 AUD Water ■ $17.04 AUD Pyro ■ Multihome ■ UnlimitLWC ■ Back ■ Nickname ■ Custom Tag ■ Ext Commands ■ Ext Creations ■ Ext Commands+ ■ Ext Creations+ ■ Ext Commands++ ■ Fly+ ■ Star Tools: Star Pickaxe ■ Melon Sword ■ Star Shovel ■ Star Rod ■ Star Axe ■ Gooseberry: Complete the government castle ■ Complete all pre-built housing ■ Build A Fireworks Display ■ Build the park ■ Build my items vault within the town ■ Create fishing tables ■ Complete town square ■ Complete the shopping area ■ Purchase a town portal ■ Purchase a town warp ■ Purchase a second town and connect it ■ In-Game Projects: Finish Gooseberry ■ Build A Vault For My Items ■ Build A Fireworks Display Before Christmas ■ Obtain A Melon Sword ■