Minecraft Name: Maulfire Suggestion: My suggestion is that World Edit be given to the most trustworthy users in EcoCityCraft (A.K.A The Server Admins). The counterpart to this is that world edit is coded so that it may only be used for removals. This means that Server Admins + Can do large scale clearing at set prices, which can only help the economy. It would also mean that World Edit cannot be used to ruin the economy by changing blocks to diamonds etc. There may even be a way to make it so that World Edit can only be used in areas where the Admins have permissions, meaning towns are safe from grief unless the Admins are added, and the likelyhood of an Admind griefing is quite low either way. Reason: I think that this would be a good reason because with the whole town system and build system in the server, large scale clearing is needed. The problem is that large scale clearing takes forever and users need it done faster to actually begin earning money, selling, building and so on. It would also help out the Server Admins and since we all love them I think that they deserve this. If grief is a worrisome problem, it can be said that no one on this server including owners is completely guaranteed not to do something bad, but, Server Admins have been on the server long enough to have earnt trust, and I think that they can't do much damage either way. Other Information: I am not sure if this is possible through a plugin, but I'm sure that a coder could easily change the command system of world edit and apply it to Server Admins. Im just writing out the names of Server Admins to see what they think themselves. @clou44 , @Dewsy92 , @jakeyray18 , @Physicistsmom
Causes lag. Although a part of the removal of world edit applications was due to time constraints for the Owner, a major issue is still the lag.
There could be a set time period where a Server Admin can do the removals, a forum thread can be made with set prices for removal, then during that time period the money would be taken out of balances and the removals completed. If this was done during a time where not many players are on it wouldn't cause many problems.
hmm, I kinda like the idea, and it could take money out of the economy. I'd like to hear some more opinions though.
I would be for it for a high price and if it was able to be done by these four, Although they already do have lots to do. Through hacking complaints and general managing the server.
Both theses threads have same topics btw http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/suggestion-worldedit-terrain-requests.111741/
@Naereniv11 , These threads are not even close to the same. I am suggesting that server admins be given world edit permissions that are coded to only removals, so that no economy damage can be done, and help can go to all players, Nightmare is requesting for a removal and adding feature through world edit, these are two different things.
It is nice because of that, but there's a huge flaw. On the surface of things, there's nothing wrong with world edit other than lag, which could be avoided while doing it for a restart. However, the issue lies with an area that's already been destroyed, and unfortunately, there's no going back. Eff 7 picks have had a much larger affect on the server then just ruining the player market, but they've taken jobs away from the players. Builders need a job on their first day to buy a plot, and get some basic items. When I first joined the server, within minutes I got a job as a land clearer and made about $800. I then bought a plot, food, wood, and three Diamonds. I was all set for my path. Adding WorldEdit would have prevented that from happening. Had I not got that job, it would have taken me hours to figure out how to mine or make money, if I even stuck around that long. The long-term affects of having WorldEdit apps are far more than we'd thing, and it's just like SG kits: they look good on the surface, but with hindsight, they're what can take this place apart.
I would say 1-. Firstly phy told she did a world edit once and the server yelled «lag». Secondly staff can abuse this and sa+ have permission to all Regions so on paper they can destroy everything.
I don't think them abusing it should be an issue. GAs have pre-set commands for their apps (at least to my knowledge). Ontop of that, they can do some pretty serious damage with the commands they have already. Heck, they can ban everyone from the server and take their money away. Even with the commands they already have, GA+s could white every item and dollar in the market off the server. Trusting them isn't the issue. They trust you with banning players, they trust them with apps.
Well, every day (typically during night in North America) during off-peak when there is like 10-20 players on the ServerAdmins could make the server go down for a 10 minute period or so as worldedits are done. If it is done during peak or when there are many players on, I say no. WorldEdits are very, very bad for lag. And never below ServerAdmin, I trust GameAdmins but not enough for them to have the power to wipe my town's existence and all my items with a click of the finger.
@Iticip ,so what you are saying is that you want to make everything take longer and just be more annoying in general for the sake of new players? All these players have to do is ask for a job, since world-edit clears will be expensive smaller scale clearing will still be done and people always have jobs like replanting giant cocoa bean farms.
Within an hour I mined enough to make more than 800 lol. Jobs are a bad way to make money fast even when you start.
Precisely, it's an economy server. If we could do everything we wanted with having a few people type things for us, we won't be having fun. I'd rather just play on a creative server in that case. I enjoy working for my things, and you might not know it yet, but you do to. What? You clearly don't understand. How does this affect new players other than it being harder for them to start off? Most of them are already taken because of Eff 7's, so you want to make even fewer? Logic gods, I pray, please help this man he's in need. No one cocoa farms any more... and even those who do aren't in enough supply to provide jobs for the ideal number of new players. How are you going to get those items to mine with? If I came onto a server, and all I had to do was mine and didn't understand any other aspects of the server, I'd just play single player survival. Why deal with all the restarts, lag, and all that stuff? You need new players to understand the server, and all new players need jobs when they first join. There are so many players who ask for jobs, but can't get them. What if you don't like mining? Then, well, I guess you can't play on this server.
@Iticip , As an economy srver, paying large amount of money for work is what is needed, this is simply work being done faster for more, new players all start off confused, but they can easily ask for help, see the tutorial and figure it all out, many people give plots away for free or put them on small payment plans. People still do have farms, and everyone has jobs. Not everyone has an eff 7, and not every eff 7 user hires themselves out, not cheaply like builders. And in response to your comment to LRP85, If someone asked for a pick, i would give them one, so its not like they have to work for everything. Also, go play single player survival, because this whole server includes mindless farming and mining, so you need not be here if you will think in that way.
Use the kit command to get a starter kit, as the game tells you in the tutorial, and any one of the mods or admins or many people such as myself will tell you, to use and you get those tools for free. That is if breaking some logs is that hard for them any way. This is a lot like single player, specially starting out till you get things figured out.
I know a lot of users think lag would be worth it. Still I think a lot of users would regret when they experience the lag.
This idea is bae.... As i have had towns with huge mountains that needed removing i would definently love this, like i woulf pay upwards of 100k in some cases of towns ive seen/needed clearing on