IGN: LostAlaskan89 Do you have the applicable cost in your balance: I do. How did you make the funds for this application. (Lying will result in a ban): It's been awhile since I made any money, so I'm not sure. Market and selling I guess. Are you a President or higher ranked user: I am, but there's something higher than President? Why would you like this area cut?: Maze area, an I'm lazy to do it myself Are you the owner of this area (town/nation) and what is the town/nation name?: LostOcean Are your WorldEdit Cut posts set and what are the [x] [y] [z] co-ordinates of Post 1 and 2: Yes 1: 215 42 -1205 2: 296 39 -1285 Is there any 5-10/cent block you would like placed on the floor?(Additional $5,000 charge): No thank you. Any addition information you feel should be added? (Remember we dont do any custom work): The coords may be off, like a block high or right or whatever, but the signs are exactly where I want it cut. Have you read the warning?: I have. The owner handles applications once every 1-7 days. (Meaning once a week) Asking constantly about your application does not speed up the process. We very well can see there are outstanding applications and handle them every few days. As well after payment has been taken your changes are not instant, please wait patiently as they are applied. Do you understand this?: I do.