He lives on the internet. Nobody IRL makes him rage. So, When he was 5 years old, He watched The Hulk. So when he DOES get mad he, D0RK SMASH! Gets a new computer, Gets on and says Whats up?
(Mortal Kombat music in the background) .... D0rc, ANGRY!!! ... D0rc SMASH!!! FALCON PUNCH! Don't deny it D0rc.
Some people just dont get angry o.o Ive played full days of Black Ops and didnt rage-quit once. No yelling, no spazzing out, not even an "Oh my god, this game is so stupid fijuxnrgsisffgfhhhaaa" But then again, I never do bad in black ops
Lol, what about connection problems? they make me almost wanna ragequit. Also, look at my signature | | | | \/