Netherrack $0.10 Netherbrick $0.20 Netherbrickblock $1.00 Lava Bucket $1.00 Netherquartz $5.00 Quartz Block $25.00 Netherquartz Ore $100.00 Glowstone Dust $7.00 Glowstone $35.00 SoulSand $10.00 Magma Block $15.00 Netherwart $2.50 BlazeRod $50.00 Magma Cream $50.00 Ghast Tear $300.00 Wither Skeleton Skull $500.00 Netherstar $800.00
lol, i forgot to copy and paste the outline. INGAME NAME: Crow_feather VMR THEME NAME: We're Hellbound LIST OF ITEMS AND PRICES: see above No additional information.
Nether star should be worth more, as it takes 3 Wither Skellie heads, and you get 1.5k by just selling them without making a wither. (Versus only $800 by using the heads to get the nstar)
Congrats this will be our next theme! (Minus the wither skulls due to issues setting up their sale properly).