[User Complaint] @xboyfernz

Discussion in 'Complaints Archive' started by mx_oliver, Jun 16, 2019.

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  1. mx_oliver

    mx_oliver Resident
    Resident ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Mar 22, 2014
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    Hi, so this complaint is about a situation that happened with xboyfernz, drgreer7, FierceVoid and I, earlier today.

    drgreer7, FierceVoid (which are my friends by the way) and I were fishing in the mining world in this "fishing base" we had made in the middle of an ocean. Take note we were also killing zombies for xp, as there was a spawner there. (Also yes we are aware that in the mining world you are allowed to grief, etc, but this isn't about that).

    As we were fishing I needed an e-rep and without thinking about where I was and that the land wasn't protected, I asked in /ch tr. xboyfernz teleported to me and gave me an e-rep. But then after that he kinda hungout around the base after. Which... wasn't really a big deal but kinda made us uneasy as we were in the mining world where nothing was protected. But besides the point, eventually after 3-5 minutes of him teleporting out of the base and back into the base, we kindly asked him if we could leave--not because he had to because we were in wild land, but we thought he'd leave just out of respect of us. No hard feelings were intended at all, we were just a little uneasy about him being there and would prefer to stay in our smaller group.

    But he still didn't leave. Sometimes he'd leave for like 10 seconds and teleport back but he wasn't showing any signs of planning on leaving. Which, obviously, we had no control over cause it was in the wild and we understand there's no rules being broke here in this part, but after a while it seemed like borderline harassment and he came across just plain rude. After a couple more minutes, he was still tping in and out occasionally, we just decided to kinda ignore him and forget about it temporarily because well, there wasn't anything we could do if he was that insistent upon staying there. So we continued fishing, farming the zombies, etc... when one of us decided to open the door to let the zombies come out into the main area (which we had been doing occasionally) to kill them. I guess maybe it would have been better if we warned him ahead of time but we had assumed that he'd be comfortable with the zombies being out and if it freaked him out he could teleport back home (as he had been tping back and forth frequently). Some point soon after, the zombies started to do, well, what zombies do, and they started coming after him. Although we knew/thought that he was just fine because I believe he had a sword on hand and none of us had died at all yet. Anyway, besides the point. He stayed for a bit punching at the zombies but eventually teleported away again as he had been doing. Then he teleported back and forth a few times, seeming to be pretty unbothered by the zombies if he was voluntarily teleporting back and staying for a bit every time. We had asked him again, very kindly and politely if he could please leave. But he still continued this whole thing and kept tping back. Eventually, drgreer7 placed some blocks around xboy to try and get him to stay away from us and hopefully want to finally leave and stop harassing us. Although, it kinda was near where the zombies were which maybe wasn't the best or smartest idea... but besides the point. He did that in attempt to but this whole situation to a halt and get xboy to teleport back home and hopefully not come back, for a while at least...
    We are fully aware of the rules stating that you cannot kill players in any way in the mining world, and please believe us when we say that wasn't our intentions at all in this situation. We have and had no bad intentions towards xboy and we're very sorry if he took it that way.

    To continue the reason why I'm filing this complaint...
    xboy had contacted mods and had them come see the situation in /v (I believe). He had told them that we were trying to kill him, which was nothing but false. Again, we're very sorry if it seemed as though those were our intentions and it wasn't the smartest idea but we certainly weren't trying to kill him, nor would we ever attempt in killing anyone.

    But after mods came, dgreer7 wasn't even talked to at all to be able to defend himself before being banned from the server. This is what bothers me the most. After all the harassment from xboy and the continuous just general rudeness we got from him, when we had enough of him and kinda got ticked he put it all on us and played the victim. I'm not sure why he wanted to get us (or him) banned so badly but it seemed like that was his goal here. Back when the zombies were roaming around he was voluntarily going into a corner and letting them attack him in that corner. He kept tping out but he kept coming back in. And honestly you would think that if he were so scared of dying, he wouldn't be continuously coming back where the zombies are! lmao. Later he even went up to the top and placed a bunch of ice and broke it in attempt to flood our base (and possibly even drown???) us. Not quite sure what his intentions were at that moment but in general It seemed very clear that he was half-trolling us and trying to get us in trouble by stirring things up and creating waves.

    But to get to the whole point of this complaint, obviously it's not any of the mods fault at all, it's hard to judge a situation without hearing everyone's full side of the story. First of all, I would like to say that I do believe that there were some mistakes that were made by both sides of this. But personally, I think that it was very unfair that drgreer7 got punished when most of the fault in this situation was very clearly to us coming from xboy, and he got away with it like he was the victim and had done nothing, when in reality, he had just successfully gotten someone banned because he was upset he wasn't wanting him in his fishing base.

    To conclude this, I'm not making this to whine and complain or say how much of victims we are or anything. I think we both made some faults, but I think it's very unfair that drgreer7 took all of the punishment that should have equally if not more been given to xboy for harassing us to the point of that happening.

    In the above link there are 3 screenshots. 2 of which are him when he was placing the ice and flooding us when he was upset at us.

    and the 3rd picture is a message between FierceVoid and xboy. In this screenshot you can clearly see that his intentions were to get him banned and he was obviously proud of this...
    Additional Information:
    My main issue is not what happened, but that xboy has gone unpunished despite the fact that drgreer, who I believe to be the far more innocent of the two, has been the only one to take any sort of punishment, and to me this seems pretty unfair and he was misunderstood by the mods. Anyways, sorry this was so so long haha, it was just kinda hard to explain with short words. I hope whoever's reading this has a nice day :)
  2. UnitedStates2

    UnitedStates2 Builder
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    Nov 30, 2014
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    Using a spawner you found via teleporting to someone else under pretenses, as you point out above, is 100% legal in the mining world. Unethical? Probably. But unethical doesn't always mean illegal.

    On the other hand, making an effort to trap a user with hostile mobs despite their repeated efforts to get out is not at all allowed. This is a clear attempt at killing a user. Asking a user politely to leave a spawner is okay, but trying to force them out via illegal means isn't. That is why @drgreer7 received a punishment and not @xboyfernz.

    And really, @xboyfernz? Destroying an entire spawner setup because things they didn't go your way? It might surprise you, but even though it's not required by the rules, making an even tiny effort to not be a dick can get you long ways. Heck, people might even be fine with you using their spawners if they know you aren't.

    Be nice and play the game people. It's not that hard.
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    #2 UnitedStates2, Jun 17, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2019
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