[User Complaint] @UnitedStates2

Discussion in 'Complaints Archive' started by FlameBoy_Fernz, Dec 30, 2017.

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  1. FlameBoy_Fernz

    FlameBoy_Fernz Builder
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    Jan 17, 2017
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    Threatening someones life and mentioning the crucial IRL
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    I was terrified especially as a younger member of the community. This shouldn't be tolerated and should be taken seriously exmod or not.
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  2. FlameBoy_Fernz

    FlameBoy_Fernz Builder
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    Jan 17, 2017
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    User then goes on to say that death threats are a joke when they can have a horrible affect on people psychologically. It's disgraceful what this user is doing. This needs to stop immediately.
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  3. UnitedStates2

    UnitedStates2 Builder
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    Nov 30, 2014
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    Whilst I had no intentions to make such a reply initially as I rather rightfully assumed that this post would've been dismissed and/or warned/deleted as it's clearly a troll complaint, it has came to my attention that certain staff members are taking such a complaint seriously, so I feel obliged to defend myself for the sake of self-interest and for the sake of the community server that I've been a member of for 3+ years as I don't want to see it catering to trolls and making innocent/new users quit due to wrongful warnings/punishments

    The context such a joke was in was after I filed an additional town application and @zr2002 processed it and took the amount of money required for such an application. I then replied asking who "stole" (remember, this was clearly a joke!) my money and when Zr said it was him, I replied "gonna kill zr irl". Such was a harmless joke and taken as such by Zr himself along with most players (He PM'd me himself laughing at such a joke. For the sake of argument it's worth noting - espicially given that said "harassment" was directed at him - he didn't take any action as he's a fine staff member with common sense that knows the difference between a harmless joke and outright harassment.)

    And here we are with a ludicrous troll complaint filed against me via an alt used by Xboyfernz to bypass his forum ban. A reasonable person could assume that such a complaint would've been deleted/warned for by now. It's pretty clear that it's just for ratings (And successful in such an endeavour- Xboy has gotten over 40 positive ratings from this complaint) and reaction and is quite literally taking a piss on ECC's BA/C process (Which also begs the question - Why are some staff taking seriously a complaint that doesn't even take them seriously/is just there to waste their time?)

    The joke? It's a joke. Society has deemed jokes like saying "gonna kill you" or "gonna beat you up" to friends socially acceptable in a joking manner/setting and countless other users have made such jokes without consequence. Context matters too, and when I was staff, my peers and I would always look for this in situations. And the "IRL" part that's so crucial in this complaint? Anyone who's spent a second on the internet knows that saying to friends in a friendly/joking setting "I'm gonna kill you irl" is obviously a joke. On the internet most mentions of "IRL" like that are a joke! And as much as we may dislike said societal standards, ECC isn't an engine for social change; it's a minecraft server. And unless we're willing to kill the server and it's community for the pursuit of such a thing (People like societal norms. It makes them feel comfortable. Don't abide by said norms and people will leave.) such an action shouldn't even be up for consideration as something that violates the rules. (Also pretty unfair to punish me for sticking to societal norms, you know, the thing that we all follow for the most part and how we were all brought up/raised by, when I don't - along with the vast majority of ECC players - know any better!)
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    #3 UnitedStates2, Dec 31, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2017
  4. Kick_Me_1235

    Kick_Me_1235 Retired Mod
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    May 12, 2013
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    Hello @FlameBoy_Fernz, thank you for filing this complaint.

    After further review and consultation with users involved, @UnitedStates2 will be receiving a verbal warning. While we do take death threats very seriously here on ECC, @UnitedStates2 clearly said this in a joking manner. Furthermore, I contacted @zr2002 (The user it was directed at) and he said that he knew it was a joke and in no way felt threatened. Due to this, @UnitedStates2 will only be receiving a verbal warning.

    Locked - @UnitedStates2 issued a verbal warning.
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  5. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    #5 andrewkm, Jan 1, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2018
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