Minecraft Username: ThatKidArshi Complaint: Scamming Evidence: http://imgur.com/AhDEdVr,66TZd5L,P8MXrx7,bVoKtZK Additional Information: we teamed up during lotto and he promissed we split the money if one of us wins i had 15 tickets down but he sniped 50 and won, but after that he went offline. I was told he has done it before. I dont really care about the money but he should be banned
Hello @silencedterror, I am sorry to say that we cannot enforce any agreements involving lotto. Lotto is both your risk and your reward. Therefore I will be dismissing this complaint. To avoid this happening again, I highly suggest you not lotto team with other users. Doing so will just leave you disappointed. Complaint dismissed. Locked.