Felon Username: shrinkwrap4meComplaint: Removed me as owner and sold townEvidence: http://imgur.com/maGmOtq <-- Proof he wasn't suppose to http://imgur.com/Fbwb2Xr <-- New Owners indicating he sold it, so I have now lost my ownership perms which I was never to be gotten rid of.Additional Information: I haven't really been active lately, but I noticed as I logged in that he had sold the town which he was not to get rid of my owner perms.
He said on skype I could have the town after he was banned. Now that he's unbanned & the towns been sold, I feel as if I've been scammed now.
psst hi der my name is partyman909 and i was wondering if y'all whipper snappers could ban him already and gib da young lad his town back aka ME
@shrinkwrap4me Is it at all possible for you to get this town back into your possession to return to @partyman909?
As shown by this picture, @partyman909 true intentions are to scam the town back. http://gyazo.com/fad1244f1f86b8ee6e86e2f396baa6d1
@minecraftninja05 @Phantomine and @tommied7 your comments are not needed on this complaint as a result you both have recieved forum warnings. Anyone posting beyond this will also result in forum warnings
As the town legally belongs to @partyman909, it will be returned to him. As for @shrinkwrap4me, you will be banned for an illegal sale of a town. @GoddessLaverna @TimeFluid You two are the owners of this town and unfortunately you will lose ownership. You will be added as members to the town, and @partyman909 will be required to give you, as well as any other current member, 7 days notice before any eviction can be placed. You may file a complaint against @shrinkwrap4me with the required evidence regarding the loss of this town, as this would constitute scamming, and I can update Shrink's ban reason at that time.