Accused Username: @ridebuilder575 Complaint: Slandering myself, provocating others in global, and generally being a nuisance in global chat itself.Evidence: Additional Information: Also, I was generally concerned by the lack of staff response until later on when Clar stepped in.
Staff already dealt with it number one and number two those screenshots are fake. I can provide screenshots that counter those. I didn't bother you and I didn't slander you, so don't lie. Now you're slandering me.
@futurebuilder1 then please make a thread of unedited and uncropped screenshots, like these. Along with that, saying he loaned you, you have no evidence of that as you haven't made/agreed to a contract, thus meaning staff most likely can't help you. You didn't make a report against @zjkhan, and no, staff haven't dealt with this situation, they dealt with a different one (Which you are attempting to appeal for). Along with that, your statement is slander again, because you have provided no evidence of what he has done, yet he has of you're wrongdoings. Unless you provide evidence, from my understanding you are in the wrong. However, I will leave this situation for staff to decide, although due to my experiences with you today, I don't see how this can take a positive turn for you.
You can't get fake screenshots, how would you make them fake. You were doing it today as well and even got banned for it @futurebuilder1 . @zjkhan Totally back you up on this one. I made another report on this player today for the same reason.
Well, you can fake them via editing, as you can paste in fake lettering, however then the background would be different, or the image cropped to hide this fact. You are correct though, he making unnecessary fuss and got permanently banned (From what I believe, he mentioned this in Discord, true time may be different) for his actions, and again, I believe zjkhan is correct.
Thank you @zjkhan for filing this complaint. As of right now, the situation regarding this player being a nuisance has been handled in game. It should no longer be an issue. Complaint Locked. Situation handled in-game.