[User Complaint] radraze

Discussion in 'Complaints Archive' started by Tan314, Apr 28, 2020.

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  1. Tan314

    Tan314 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 10, 2020
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    Accused Username:
    The person knocked me into the water while I was AFK. when I came back I found myself dead in the water by my warp Esgaroth. I had 2 max fishing rods (owned) and a Respiration 3 and Aqua Affinity Diamond helmet.
    Own ID of the rods are 2 of the following K8XN6T5N, K8Y59844, and K9ADM202, not sure which as I sold one that is partially owned by someone else. I also have a screen shot of radraze with my helmet on trying to find more items in my town when I came back to my town warp.
    Additional Information:
    I was AFK for a few seconds, came back and found my game logged out, logged back on and found myself dead. warped back to my town from spawn and found radraze continue to look for items, when confronted and asked to give back the items he warped away. I also had more than 2500 exp I was saving to anchant an item. Lighting members on fire is not allowed and neither is pvp, so knocking a person in the water so that they drown should not be either.
  2. EtherealSquid

    EtherealSquid Former ServerAdmin
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ VI ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Dec 27, 2018
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    There's no way to prove that you were knocked in intentionally without video/screenshot evidence, but I did hunt down your tools for you. K8Y59844 is in the first chest on the right at /warp prizes, but K8XN6T5N was left on the ground and despawned.

    Take care not to AFK near dangerous areas, I suggest logging out briefly in the future instead of going AFK. You can also have someone with TownControl+ enable the invincibility flag on your town so this doesn't happen again.
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