Felon Username: OhMrsKittyKatComplaint: Spamming via symbols.Evidence: Additional Information: No staff members were online.
Sad kid... I will accept all punishments... I am sorry for the shame I have brought to the ECC community and hope they accept me back :-< Kiss more donkey for me donkey :-D
I am not a sad kid. I want to benefit Ecc and bring it back to insane on-peak numbers of players. With you spamming and trolling all the time it makes it hard and breaks the rules. I don't support users breaking the rules. I will post complaints when necessary and if you don't want complaints filed on you then don't break the rules. Please and thank you. ~Donkey5k
Thanks for reporting @donkey5k! Using symbols in chat is against the rules and I will be issuing a warning to @OhMrsKittyKat for doing so. If this happens again, feel free to file another complaint. User warned via /mail. Locked.