Accused Username: @nuiiComplaint: Scam and Attempt to Kill.Evidence: Additional Information: This user was selling plots for $500 in the town Phoenix (Owned by Cem and Zr). NuII is not an owner but is a resident of the town [Rank: Builder]. Spoiler: Dialog: Sneaky: I'll take this one Nuii: Pay Sneaky: So I can have this plot for 500$? Nuii: yes Sneaky: paying $500 has been sent to Nuii. Sneaky: paid Nuii: done Sneaky: am I added? Nuii: enjoy Sneaky: I cant build Nuii creates sign saying I've been scammed. Sneaky: lol Sneaky: Idc about 500$ Sneaky: 924 63 10904 Sneaky: can I have my 500$ back Nuii Sneaky: Sneaky: let the record show he shook his head no Nuii: noooo Sneaky: if you pay me back it will be a attempt of scam instead Sneaky: you're choice $499 has been received from Nuii ........... Sneaky: aare you trying to kill me Coordinates: 924 63 10904
Thank you for filing this complaint. The user has been /warn'ed for their actions. Locked, user given /warn