Felon Username: Nickla3107Complaint: Loan scammingEvidence: http://i.imgur.com/eRAqD7m.pngAdditional Information: User agreed to pay back within 7 days, user has now been offline over 10 days and I've not recieved the $150,000 which has been promised. All I really want is the money, I don't mind giving nickla3107 extra time to earn it if that's needed. I'd notlike to see the user banned but I understand that this may happen.
Hey @xX3PICREBELXx I will be handling this for you. @nickla3107 Why has @xX3PICREBELXx not recieved the 150k? Left open for 24 waiting for response from @nickla3107
@nickla3107 and @xX3PICREBELXx Are you both able to agree on 3 more days for full payment of the $150k?
@xX3PICREBELXx Can you agree with those terms? If not, the two of you will need to find a date you can agree on.
There is a sign located here in the legacy world where you can pay, I'm sure a moderator can teleport you there once you have the money. It's due 7 days from now, on the 10th of November.
@nickla3107 @xX3PICREBELXx The due date for the 150k is now Nov. 10th. If the money is not paid by this time please file a second complaint. Thank you both for cooperating. Locked - Resolved