I have seen this on other servers, no knock-back indicates the usage of the hack of anti-knockback. Just thought this was relevant, sorry if it's not.
Thank you for submitting this complaint @BredRaid. I will be tagging @Physicistsmom, so that she can take a look into this hacking complaint. In the meantime, please make sure not to post any unnecessary comments. Thanks!
Hey this was posted early Saturday WST and now it's Monday shouldn't this have been handled by now? Sorry if this is irrelevant!
Please do not bump complaints. Physicistsmom is extremely busy, especially with the added workload of running the server herself. She will get to this when she can.
@Oink__Oink_ I've given you a forum warning for bumping the thread after you had been told not to. @minecraftninja05 do not minimod or post on complaints that you aren't relevent to.
Thank you for reporting this, jozefyx has been banned for use of no knockback, I however cannot prove from the video use of an aimbot or forcefield. User banned.