[User Complaint] Giant_Leader

Discussion in 'Complaints Archive' started by TimmyChoi, Nov 28, 2014.

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  1. TimmyChoi

    TimmyChoi Builder
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    Jul 26, 2014
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    He has taken a 200k loan from me and is due to pay 400k today. He has forum pm-ed me and messaged me ingame regarding an extension. However he is not agreeing to the terms I presented to him. He has replied rudely and called me a "spoiled kid" and asked if I was twelve or not, which has upset me. His rude attitude also upset me and his constant use of the term "greedy" is not nice at all. He has mentioned about not minding getting banned because he "has a life" and he gets "a one-month interest free extension from mods" if he gets unbanned. Please take that into note when dealing with his ban appeal.
    This is evidence of him agreeing to the loan and me paying him.


    He is talking about the "free one month extension from mods" (he obviously doesn't show much effort into paying the loan off, he rather get banned than try to pay off the loan off)


    Adding evidence to the lack off effort he put into paying off the loans


    Conversation with him regarding the loan

    There was more evidence which I forgot to take screenshots of as I only remember halfway through our conversation, mods feel free to check chat logs before you decide to unban him.
    Additional Information:
    Would like a GA or SA to look into this complaint please. @Dewsy92 @Smorezs @oreo1227 @nicit6 @clou44
    #1 TimmyChoi, Nov 28, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2014
  2. Giant_leader

    Giant_leader ECC Sponsor
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    Apr 17, 2012
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    Okay, before i'll defend myself I would like to note that, I am trying to make a date where we can both be happy with. since i cannot get that kind of money right now I have suggested to him in a forum pm (with jakey and phy which deserved to be in since phy wants to help me get on my feet and out of debt) That in 3 weeks time Shrinkwrap4me owes me 381k so, I told him would 3 weeks be alright? He then stated "only if i'll add interest" Then i gave him a deal which is. 5% a week if its late added on each week.

    Now i'll defend myself, when i said "either 73k or probs get a month free interest" I mean't and said to him that, If mods see me trying to get this loaned paid out they will decide on whether if i get unbanned and a reasonable debt payment between us three (which i have set a forum pm phy, jakey, and timmy.) Since the bottom line is that since i want to pay this loan off I most likely would be told to start one with them two in the first place. That convo was brought up by timmy saying "I'm the only one who can change the loan at all. I had SS'ed evidence saying that in a circumstances he doesn't have the full power to what he wants to do. Phy and/or Jakey or other staff will decide for him or most likely try to get me and timmy to make a deal that is reasonable on both sides. It wasn't too extort him to do what i want mearly saying from experience from my fellow bans and watching Ban appeal's waiting on a decision on my ban appeal that, they will extend it if they see fit and it's not entierly on timmy shoulders if i am banned/nor going to be banned for scamming. ASwell, I am Indeed thinking of quiting right now, It is due mainly bcz I'm trying to Redeam myself and repent my sins that i made in the past and all im getting is stress and when i ask for help i cannot get any "useful help" .That being said That shouldn't be in this Complaint since it has no bearings on me paying the loan or not. AS phy knows I am willing to pay my loans off, I am trying to get meet on equal grounds with timmy but timmy wants 520,000 from a 200,000 loan. So basically he EXPECTS me to pay him almost triple the amount he gave me without even considering what i'll go through. I told him straight up Reasticly i can only do 473k in 3 weeks since, right now i do not have the ability to come up with 400,000 hence why i want to do a 473,000 deal within 3 weeks and shrink owes me somewhere around 380k which is why i want to extend it for 3weeks. I called him greedy bcz he EXPECTED me to Pay him 520,000 and don't care what i have to go through or who else i have to pay. Maulfire (which i never met him till a few days ago when he wanted to buy features from me) Lost his Star pick by allowing me to use it which i ran into lava and it burned to death. His reaction was opposite than you would think. He came to me and said I will even help you pay all your debts. Even tho i lost a star pick which is around 600k+ tool and he didn't report me or not being flexible with it. I judge timmy's actions with that action and came to an conclusion that he was a kid because he wanted what he wanted when he says. Without even listing to my side, he even threaten me that I better give him 520k or he'll file a complaint. That shouldn't been said plus it added to greediness when he expected to make double the amount in profit than he loaned too me as well, not even caring for the debt i got or me losing a star pick that wasn't mine and now i added another 660k to my 3mil+ debt that is due on dec. 31st-Jan 1st.

    I have stated a forum pm with Me, Phy, Jakey and timmy about what i can do with the loan. I also stated that i am trying to get this loaned paid as well i am thinking about others and not just timmy and timmy will only think about himself. These kinds of people make me sick and want to quit so badly but, i just want to pay off my loans and be done with this server. thats why i came back
  3. TimmyChoi

    TimmyChoi Builder
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    Jul 26, 2014
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    1) I gave you a 200k loan, and you agreed to pay me 400k in 2 weeks, aka today.

    2) You are asking me for an extension, of THREE WEEKS which is a week more than the time I gave you for the original loan.

    3) Your loan was 2 weeks for 400k and you ask for a 3 week extension the day it is due. I am charging only 10% per week simple interest which seems extremely reasonable.

    4) If you think people like myself make you sick because "i only think about myself", it seems like YOU are the one at fault here. I'm not the one who isn't paying back the money. It is YOU. It was your responsibility to pay it off and you have failed to do so, thus breaching contract. It was YOU that decided to loan money off me. It was YOU who decided to take more loans to blow it all in lotto. It was YOU who didn't pay the money owed. So I think it's a simple conclusion here. It is YOU that will faces the consequences of failing your responsibility of paying back the loaned money.

    5) And yes I do expect you to pay almost triple the amount I loaned you. If you say can pay 400k from a 200k loan IN TWO WEEKS, I expect you can make another 120k IN THREE WEEKS. (40k/week)
  4. Giant_leader

    Giant_leader ECC Sponsor
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    Apr 17, 2012
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    "3) Your loan was 2 weeks for 400k and you ask for a 3 week extension the day it is due. I am charging only 10% per week simple interest which seems extremely reasonable." qoute from timmy

    hmm the interest is almost as the same as the loan hmmm sounds reasonable Aye.

    "It is YOU. It was your responsibility to pay it off and you have failed to do so, thus breaching contract."

    If i remember correctly it is due today which right now you don't have the right to post an complaint yet!
    Post an complaint when it is actually LATE!

    As the contract states right now I AM NOT IN BREACHED OF CONTRACT!

    Meaning There is no complaint thus, mods cannot do a thing.

    Hence why i started an forum pm to stop this

    Any mods agree that There hasn't been a breached in contract and needs to fill it tommorow?
  5. TimmyChoi

    TimmyChoi Builder
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    Jul 26, 2014
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    Well sorry I have realised the mistake, due to time differences the loan is not due yet. However you still have no intention to pay it today or a day later as you have asked me for an extension towards the loan date and stated it within our forum pm "I owe TimmyChoi 400,000 by today, as i am broke right now and don't have a good source of cash flow right now. I have almost 1,000 bucks as we speak,".
    #5 TimmyChoi, Nov 28, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2014
  6. Gernen

    Gernen Prime Minister
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    Nov 2, 2012
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    I see no reason why jakey's or phys' involvement is required. This is but a normal loan like all others, which doesn't need to be brought to the owner's attention.
    I will need you two to work something out.
  7. Giant_leader

    Giant_leader ECC Sponsor
    ECC Sponsor Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 17, 2012
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    Doesn't stop me from selling features, getting a loan etc. I have intentions of paying it back asap which is the only factor in this case.

    Now, if i said clearly i wasnt going to pay you back then you had a right to complaint as long you have evidence of me saying that.

    You don't, But there is proof via here chat logs and in pm with phy and jakey that i am trying to pay this loan i just don't know when i'll have the money

    Shrink can tech haave 400k today and thus loan paid

  8. Giant_leader

    Giant_leader ECC Sponsor
    ECC Sponsor Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 17, 2012
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    I was told to by jakey to involve staff members with timmy to work it out. I choose them two bcz, I know them.

    Phy is trying to work things out on all my loans so, this loan falls under it.
  9. Gernen

    Gernen Prime Minister
    Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Nov 2, 2012
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    Staff members that take care of the complaint section like I do are more than enough to sort this out.
    #9 Gernen, Nov 28, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2014
  10. Giant_leader

    Giant_leader ECC Sponsor
    ECC Sponsor Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 17, 2012
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    Okay. I just trust phy and me and phy are trying to get my loans sorted out. Thats why phy is required on this one. Thats what i believe i might of inturperted it wrong and if i did i am sorry. Anyways, This isn't a valid complaint as its still due.... 29th isnt here yet
  11. Gernen

    Gernen Prime Minister
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    Nov 2, 2012
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    As @Giant_leader has said, it is not the 29th yet. I am not in place to judge if @Giant_leader will be able to pay this back by the end of the day, so I shall be locking this. If the loan has not been paid back by tomorrow, feel free to file another complaint. If you have any further questions, feel free to forum PM me.

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