Felon Username: FuryFudgeComplaint: Loan Scamming (280k) I gave them a 220k loan on the 17th of November with the aggrement that I would be paid back 280k on Dec 8th. On the 7th of December Furyfudge asked for a two day extension, and I granted it.Evidence: http://i.imgur.com/dBlRtRA.png http://i.imgur.com/HrZN4jL.pngAdditional Information: I gave this user an additional 2 days (the 10th) and this user has failed to pay me back.
Thank you for filing this complaint @Inamine @FuryFudge why hasn't this loan been payed back yet? Given 24 hours to respond
I have had numerous problems irl and in-game which have rendered me unable to earn back the money. I won't say anything about my irl problems but my in-game problems, which phys is aware of.Also 1.8 coming out for ECC is a problem as my computer cannot run 1.8 without severe lag. I can only come on with my brother's laptop every so often (about 5 minutes to an hour a day). I can pay back the loan in 7 days, when I get my loan payed back (http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/contract-loan-to-giant_leader.112758/). I am very sorry to Inamine, but things just haven't been going as planned. I will be sure to pay extra when I pay him back. The only other option I can find is if I get another loan out.
Thank you @FuryFudge Could you @Inamine agree to another week before payback? or can you two come to an agreement otherwise?
As @Inamine and @FuryFudge cannot come to an agreement on this, Fury will be banned for loan scamming. Locked, FuryFudge banned for loan scamming