Felon Username: EpislenComplaint: Loan scamEvidence: http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/user-complaint-epislen.112600/ http://ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/ban-appeal.111837/Additional Information: This boi. Where do I even start . This loan was a long time ago and I honestly just didn't gives crap about it anymore. When I noticed he appealed, I got happy because I was gonna make 65k. But he's trully a nub because it doesn't take one month to make 65k. Then I told him how long he has before I complain, he said he doesn't take orders from other people. If he actually has the money, I'll take it. If he doesn't, I really don't care about it at this point so y'all can ban him.
Let's not have any more flaming/irrelevent posts on this complaint. In the meantime, @Epislen, why have you not paid @ThatKidArshi his money?
Moderator, can you please edit out when Arshi says, "Jesus Christ?" He is using the lord's name in vein and I do not appreciate it. Also, in the rules it says that religion is a touchy subject and by using the lords name, he is bringing up a touchy subject. Thanks!
As for the complaint,i do believe the evidence shows hacks. if you look at 0:69 in the video his head does a 1080 while his body does nothing and his arms are doing barrel rolls
Yes as @jhebert2012 stated, the user whom the complaint is against clearly shows hacks and also appears to be using a type of code that the Illuminati uses to strategize how they will strike next. Mods pls ban now
Locked upon request. @jhebert2012 @master_blaster12 @Tdogg120 I've given you all forum warnings for trolling on a complaint.