Felon Username: dennis63Complaint: I was holding a auction for a full inventory of jungle wood logs. dennis63 made a bid of 1010 ECD. I heard his bid, and just after I had stated 1010 going 2, he commented that he had bid only 1K. I stated that he had not and then he said "Just Kidding, I'm not betting." This violates the server rules on false bidding, which is as follows " False bidding is not allowed. If you are caught bidding something that you cannot pay, you will face punishment."Evidence: Screenshot Links: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7w1YGji_NwpQWhmMmRHanB0Y3M/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7w1YGji_NwpV1JYR0NFdWMyaFk/view?usp=sharingAdditional Information:
Thank you for reporting this, I have sent this user a mail warning them about false bidding in auctions. If this happens again please feel free to make another complaint. User warned via /mail - Locked