Felon Username: CALIKI123Complaint: This user has not paid back their part of the loanEvidence: http://imgur.com/HgtgKWd Additional Information: He was on 25 mins ago - that was when I got on - so I can understand if he's just a little "late".. I just want to make sure I get this resolved ASAP, considering I'm in $75k debt as it is
ox -- I believe that said person would be more aware of this if you sent them a /mail, as @caliki123 has not been on the forums since November 14 -- 9 days ago.
I dont understand why he filed a complaint, he could of mail/pm'ed me first, i had to go off due to school and stuff like that before filing a complaint, i have the money, just we are in diff timezones so i couldnt pay him when hes offline
I could get online right now, if @caliki123 can, or I believe I am able to get on at around 6 PM EST - 8 PM EST depending on when I finish homework
I also was scammed by this person (30k was what i gave him he was supposed to pay back today...) i thought he might be later but ive been checking and checking and he hasn't been on it disappoints me....
I have screen shots, but i have 2 monitors and i don't know witch one has the screen shot, i will try to post it as fast as i can
Can you guys please stop posting? I get forum alerts every time somebody posts here and @caliki123 still hasn't responded.
I have not - I talked with this user and he wanted a $35k loan from me - I denied his request but he refused to pay me $7.5k.
Okay as @caliki123 has not replied or paid @lolelf123, I will be banning them for loan scamming. Locked.
@iTzXtremeGaming is now responsible for this debt. When he appeals this will be taken into consideration. In future should you need to file a new complaint if the deadline set for iTzXtremeGaming isn't met, please quote this complaint as evidence.