Felon Username: ArisenBatmanComplaint: Breach of contractEvidence: http://imgur.com/RGtoUBS,sQ4glDL,9EensF5#0 http://ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/contract.108698/Additional Information: I would be willing to work out a new deadline if arisen would like to. I'm flexible but being scammed by a top donor and high ranking user is disgraceful.
Hello @oxwood2, thank you for submitting this report. @ArisenBatman, please provide proof within 24 hours of you both buying the /back feature for @oxwood2, along with paying the $1million ECD. Thank you. Left unlocked, awaiting response from @ArisenBatman.
Fair enough, as @ArisenBatman has not responded within his 24 hour time period, he will be banned for breach of contract and donation scamming. Locked.