Felon Username: ASG_FTW Complaint: Loan Scamming Evidence: He agreed to pay me 200k for a 100k in two weeks. It has been 3 weeks and he now owes me 235k due to late fees as stated in the contract > http://ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/contract.113351/#post-604918 Evidence of me loaning 100k to him > Additional Information: I have forum pm'd him, sent him in-game mail but he hasn't replied. He is also offline for 21 days, 16 hours when I did /seen. Not sure if he quit or is on holiday.. but I would like my money back.
@ASG_FTW What id your side to this story? Why have you not attempted to pay anything back through the signs listed above? Left Open for 24 Hours
Instead fo just banning this user, I have sent a in-game pm as well and will give them 24hrs from now. I hope you understand @slvrplme @ASG_FTW In Game /mail Sent, Leave Open for 24 Hours
I don't really want this user banned. I just wanna know why's he been offline forever and maybe work out something to get the $.
As @ASG_FTW hasnt replied, They will be banned for Loan Scamming, You name will be added to the ban reason incase of a appeal. @ASG_FTW banned for loan scamming (slvrplme) Mission001