Welcome to the Trenzalore Town Thread,here I will post all information concerning Trenzalore! Want to be co-mayor of Trenzalore? Then apply in the following format bellow. Ign: Ranks (non-staff): Donation Features: What makes you special?: Why do you think you deserve to be picked for co-mayor?: Please remember this is a builder town, meaning builders can get a plot for free, there is little to no income for being co-mayor. I will announce the new co-mayor(s) when Trenzalore officially opens. Please note that I reserve the right to remove you from the town for any reason at any time with no notice. By applying you agree to the following terms; 1.You will not charge builders for plots 2.The farms are public no charging anyone for perms 3.If you are caught charging builders for plots or anyone for farm perms you will refund them tenfold no questions asked 4.Be nice,friendly,and helpful at all times 5. No using the town vault for anything but town purposes Want to donate supplies? Then come to Trenzalore floor 5 lapis row and drop off anything we might need,anything helps thank you! Want to donate money? Leave a comment or forum pm me how much and what for and also when I can receive payment! Farms: 1k/250l Town chat: 1k/40k Heal Sign: 1k/40k Supplies, food, building materials: 23k/as much as possible Estimated date for official opening:Monday January 14th