In Game Name: a_man21Have you read the in-depth application instruction: I have read the instructions.Are we removing LWC Protections or Trade Signs: Trade SignsWhat town are these in: foixsoutheastOriginal town application link: world is this town in: LegacyWhich user do these protections currently belong to: @bobman3355Is the player who owns the protections inactive: inactive 7+ daysProvide the X Y Z coordinates, number, and type of protections: -7588 71 -2079: 1 trade sign -7603 72 -2075: 1 trade sign -7527 69 -2062: 1 trade sign (underwater) -7531 69 -2066: 1 trade sign (underwater) -7515 76 -2103: 1 trade sign -7594 66 -2090: 1 trade sign -7537 64 -2086: 1 trade sign -7557 64 -2086: 1 trade sign -7579 64 -2079: 1 trade sign -7568 64 -2110: 1 trade sign (look up) -7558 64 -2109: 2 trade signs (look up) -7542 75 -2099: 1 trade sign -7527 81 -2108: 1 trade signAre any of the protections listed located in a PvP-enabled area: NoWhy are you requesting these protections be removed: they are in da waeProcessing time is 1-7 days: I Understand.