Minecraft 1.13 will be a major internal change.
One of, if not the, biggest update to Minecraft, code wise.
EcoCityCraft has been working for months now behind the scenes ensuring we are as prepared as possible once the update is released. However there is one thing the players must do to be ready themselves. There is no way to convert / make certain trade signs backwards compatible, therefore, those on the main server must take immediate action themselves.
TRADE SIGNS will no longer accept the number value for items. You must use the actual item name, or the item short name. You can find these using the /itemdb command.
TRADE SIGNS will no longer accept any kind of potions. You cannot place them in signs anymore.
If you were to sell MOSSY_COBBLESTONE in a trade sign, you must use either mossy_cobblestone (if it fits on the sign - which in this case it does not) or one of the short names such as mstone. You CANNOT use the number 48 to represent mossy cobblestone.
If you use number values anywhere on the main server via trade signs please convert your signs immediately. Once 1.13 is launched, any signs that use number values will be rendered useless and will not be converted for you as there will be no way to verify that they were real signs.
@TITLE-03 Wiki Team Leader please ensure the wiki reflects this information in our trade sign tutorial and anywhere else necessary. CC: @TITLE-02 Wiki Team