IGN: Red_Pandaz_13 Are you a Resident: Yes Do you have the applicable cost in your balance: Yes Which world is this application taking place in (Legacy/Rising): Rising How did you make the funds for this application. (Lying will result in a ban): Farming and SG games What will be the name of your new town: Christmas What is the size of your town (Between 100x100 - 200x200): 200x200 Are your town posts set and what are the [x] [y] [z] co-ordinates of all posts: Post A: X: 11,176 Y: 69 Z: -6,660 Post B: X: 11,376 Y: 69 Z: -6,660 Post C: X: 11,376 Y: 69 Z: -6,860 Post D: X: 11,376 Y:69 Z: -6,460 Have you checked our Zoning Laws and are we waiting for a neighbouring mayor response: Yes Additional information about your town: This will be a town for anybody who wants to join
@Red_Pandaz_13 could you please double check that your coordinates are correct and that you have posts on each corner of where the town will be going.
@jakeyray18 sorry my coords were not correct, could you please use these coords with my application. There are signs up for them... thanks! A: x: 11,934 y: 66 z: -6,698 B; x: 12, 134 y: 64 z: -6,698 C: x: 12,134 y: 64 z: -6,498 D: x: 11,934 y: 64 z: -6,498