Gonna have a builder town with 200x20@ farms for builders and a town next to it the same for people in debt to use while paying off debt for free, if interested in helping with this project, /mail me Ingame or reply to this thread
Hello David! I have town named SecondChance which I had thought would be a great place to help out players just like you describe... those in debt or coming off a ban and feeling they need some assistance. If you are interested, we can surely work out an arrangement for a co-mayor opportunity!
If with this opportunity we are equals then certainly. I intend for it to be two towns next to eachother, so if there is room, I’d love to place a town next to yours and get it rolling
Sorry David, that town is landlocked somewhat by towns that are my granddaughters and I can't share those Whatever town you find, just let me know and I will be glad to help supply some quick labor or possibly some materials.