So today I got this idea for a town that sound like out of some fantasy book. The idea is that the town is made for mass population. It would be a town that starts at bedrock with the lowest class homes/apartments, black markets, and nightclubs. It would be very dark and dim-lighted. The homes would be really cheap. Then after this layer (maybe at Y50) it would change to nicer homes and apartments with shops and cool parks. As the layers went up the niceness would go up too. Sorta inspired by Coruscant in Star Wars. Like the upper layer: Layer by bedrock:
All the best. If your planning to build it at that scale, You might need a few towns combined next to eachother. Thats a hella of a time and money investment, goodluck!
I would love to do this but I do not think it would be my mayor or even president town because I don't have enough money for it xD This was meant for an inspiration to other people too! If you want to do this idea yourself contact me and I will be glad to help!
If you get the money and or resources I'd love to help you out!! This sounds like a really cool idea. Hmmm, how about like class privileges as well? Like only the 'middle' and 'upper' class can use lift signs to get around and the only other way is to take the stairs? Idk- gotta have the town before the fancy rules and details eh? This sounds like a fascinating project and I'd love to see it get put into action!
Again if anyone wants to use this idea for their own town feel free to pm me about it and I would be glad to help with it!