IGN: Miner1975 What is your current in-game rank: EcoLeader How many towns have you already claimed (If any): One Provide links for your previous town claim apps (if any): http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/posts/494698/ What is the name of the town you are claiming: Shadowbay Which world is this town in (Legacy/Rising): Legacy Provide the link to this town's application: http://ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/president-application.60641/ Who is the original town owner of this town: fckinproblem Provide a screenshot showing their current status (6 Month+ Offline, PermaBanned, Contract): 6months+ inactivity http://imgur.com/QIf49ar,WgB6pSo,fwDvc6M,b3cCwlo,XfSapBB,VcbCGok,9nWu6DE Forum Account Status http://imgur.com/Q2m92rp http://imgur.com/QIf49ar,WgB6pSo,fwDvc6M,b3cCwlo,XfSapBB,VcbCGok,9nWu6DE Who are the current listed owners of this town in the /rg info <townname> command: fckinproblem pandainminecraft Provide a screenshot showing their current status (6 Month+ Offline, PermaBanned, Contract): http://imgur.com/QIf49ar,WgB6pSo,fwDvc6M,b3cCwlo,XfSapBB,VcbCGok,9nWu6DE Why are you attempting to claim this town: This was the first town krobkins lived in. What are your future plans with this town: Krob will be taking over, most likely building pretty things in it. Have you read the above town claiming rules and understand the severe consequences of not following them: Yes Additional information about your town claim: N/A Certain Staff handle applications once every 1-7 days. (Meaning once a week) Asking constantly about your application does not speed up the process. We very well can see there are outstanding applications and handle them every few days. As well after payment has been taken your changes are not instant, please wait patiently as they are applied. All users must be aware they will be fined for an improper application. Take extra care when applying for various server features. Do you understand this: Yes
@miner1975 You will need to include screenshots showing the players as not found in game, and of PandaInMinecraft's profile status.
I no longer have access to a computer untill the weekend. Could you possibly make an exception? Im so sorry for the troubles, but I need this town now - Krobkins payed me good money for my claim.
Oxwood2 just did one of the nicest things someone has ever done for me. http://imgur.com/QIf49ar,WgB6pSo,fwDvc6M,b3cCwlo,XfSapBB,VcbCGok,9nWu6DE here are all the the screenshots i need for this claim provided by ox wood. @oxwood2, thank you so very much.