[To Sell] Powered Skeleton Spawner

Discussion in 'Classifieds & Ads' started by Anokfero, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Anokfero

    Anokfero Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Dec 3, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    Thanks to the invention of Lamps, I bring to you Powered Skeleton Spawner's.

    The logic is simple, light is used to control the rate of Skeleton Spawns and allow for easier harvesting of resources including Experience Points (Exp). There are four light control settings, a bit of storage and of course the critical control panel.

    The asking price is $25,000, read this post to find out more details. Comments and questions are welcome.

    Image Gallery: Lighting Options
    No light at all​

    One rear light source​

    Full Supportive Lighting​

    House Lights Activated​

    Image Gallery: Lighting Controls and Bonuses
    Three Levers give four light options as seen above.
    Note: All wiring is hidden in the celling

    Pressure Plates and inbuilt storage
    Note: Pressure Plates are primarily used to Close the door after leaving the Battle area. This is done in case of low health emergencies!

    I'm asking 25,000 ecodollars for this, once you own it all ownership is transferred to you, I ask that the sign "AnokFero Sold This" be left in place so I maintain private on that - however once purchased, I have no other interaction with the spawner - unless additional work is requested (this would be an additional fee).

    Can I come and view it for myself?
    No, even thou the area is protected, I have not made it so it is impenetrable, for this reason the location is top secret.

    This is great but are there more bonuses you can give?
    I have (when donations are processed) have all donation features now. EXT commands/creations, Repairs, Water and Lava. What I'm trying to say, let me throw in one week (New Zealand Time) of free Repairs.

    This is good, but it could be better. Can you improve it for me to buy?
    Depending on what you want done, I might, but it also has a good chance to not be done for 25k reply here or via Forum PM and tell me what you want. What changes would you like? Why you want it that way - more information the better.