Work in Progress!Welcome to the Valley of Wheat, a simple, peaceful life, for all to enjoy. Not just a place to live, work together, create a career, have a store, be apart of a great community. What is the valley of wheat?: The valley of wheat is a single town (200x200) run by @SirChilledMrHobo first opened on November 13, 2018. The main goal of the town is to provide a place for players of all types to live and to create a great community. We provide housing opportunities in a variety of ways, plots of land, prebuilt homes, and free shacks for those you can't afford to purchase a home. We are also working forward to creating a great local community by offering more opportune then just housing, like shops in our marketplace, farms so that you can produce money, a forge for crafting, enforced rules to prevent griefing, a graveyard to remember all those who were apart of the town and more. Whether you want to join us for a place to live, for a shop, or just to say your part of the town, we welcome everyone of every rank and all levels of experience. Town Features/Perks: -Wheat Farms: Wheat farms for all residents to farm for money. Although its simple, it sure works. -Town Warp: We have a /warp so that you don't need to /sethome at home and for ease of access to outsiders. -Post Office: Need to set up a drop-off point for an order or delivery with someone? The post office is for you! -Marketplace: The place to set up shop and sell your goods, not just to our active town, but its also located close to the towns warp for people outside of town to reach. -Graveyard: Not everyone will stay active in the town, people move on, people come and go, but that's no reason to forget those who stayed. All town members will get a spot in the graveyard and forever be remembered. -Pre-built Options: Not good at building? We have a home already built for you. -Free shacks: Can't afford anything but need a safe place to start from? A shack is perfect for you. -Public Forge: Need an anvil, furnace, enderchest, or a crafting table? We have some for you to use close to the /warp for everyone. Prices: Plots: Plots come in the following sizes: 10x10 for $1,000 and 20x20 for $4,000. Price per square block is $10 a block. Marketplace Stalls: A stall in our marketplace cost $2,000, a one-time payment, no rent, and is located close to the towns warp. Graveyard spot for the "Active": $300 for a spot, limited to only 1 per town member. Choose your own headstone and place a chest underneath in your "Casket" for your valuable savings. Payment plans for plots: You may choose a payment plan for a plot if you have at least $100 down payment. All payment plans must be paid within a week. The Kingdom of the Valley of Wheat Laws: 1.) All server rules are in effect, including chat rules. 2.) Be kind to other town residents. 3.) Be active! If you are inactive 7+ days, you can be evicted. 4.) Always replant what you harvest. Plant some for the next person. 5.) Don't grief, no matter how small. Failure to replant is considered a grief. 6.) Don't steal from unlocked chests. 7.) Don't /lock items that are not yours, this is considered grief. 8.) Don't kill named mobs, mobs are very rare. 9.) Laws may be added over time. Always keep up to date with laws. 10.) Always /lock chests so they are secure. 11.) Failure to follow laws will result in eviction or a fine. Prebuilt Home Regulations/Laws for the Kingdom Valley of Wheat: 1.) You can not make major changes to the design of the house. 2.) You may change the interior of the house. Apartment/Shack Regulations/Laws for the Kingdom Valley of Wheat: 1.) You can not make any changes to the room. This includes the wall, floors, windows, Exct... 2.) You may change/add what you want to the interior only. 3.) If there is a lift sign, you may not /lock or block it. Plot/Lan Regulations/Laws for the Kingdom Valley of Wheat: 1.) Stay within your assigned outlined plot. 2.) You may dig 10 blocks down. If you need/want to go down more, speak with SirChilled first. There are town builds underground. 3.) Don't go mining underground the town. 4.) No farms. We have public Wheat Fields for you to farm. 5.) Stick with desert them of the town. You don't have to build only out of sandstone, just as long as it is nice and fits well with the town. 6.) Remember to /lock your chests, doors, and furnaces. 7.) 20 block height limit. Speak with SirChilled to go higher. 8.) Don't build with huge amounts of glass or obsidian. List of Ex-Members Spoiler: Ex-Town Members 1.) @Rosic - 11/20/2018 to 11/23/2018 - Move Out 2.) @XericMystery - 11/24/2018 to 11/25/2018 - Banned due to Grief 3.) @Ticmo - 11/15/2018 to 11/24/1018 - Inactive 4.) @Magiix - 11/21/2018 to 12/13/2018 - Inactive 5.) @SawyerP123 - 11/24/2018 to 12/2/2018 - Inactive 6.) @PardalTelhado 11/24/2018 to 12/2/2018 - Inactive 7.) @MrDjesuss - 11/24/2018 to 12/2/2018 - Inactive 8.) @Bulletproofx - 11/21/2018 to 12/1/2018 - Inactive 9.) @GooshmasterG - 11/20/2018 to 12/13/2018 - Inactive 10.) @Feased - 11/20/2018 to 12/13/2018 - Inactive 11.) @Hopey_ - 11/25/2018 to 12/13/2018 - Inactive 12.) @Megan7761232 - 11/21/2018 to 12/13/2018 - Inactive 13.) @JohnnyRockets09 - 11/21/2018 to 12/13/2018 - Inactive 14.) @epic937 - 12/2/2018 to 12/13/2018 - Inactive 15.) @jbertig - 11/27/2018 to 12/13/2018 - Inactive