The Valley of Wheat Bakery: Bread, Cookies, and Wheat.

Discussion in 'Classifieds & Ads' started by SirChilledMrHobo, Dec 19, 2018.

  1. SirChilledMrHobo

    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Nov 25, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    To future business partners:

    In the beginning, there was chaos.

    Like many people in the opening days of the creation of the new world, I chopped down some trees, killed some cows with my own bare hands, and dwelled deep in to the underworld, found some diamonds, lots of iron, and even more coal, all while waiting for the first town to open and get my hands on a plot. Then I came up from the underworld, burdened in mineral wealth, and found my first wheat seed. The beginning of a wonderful journey that would lead to much wheat.

    Then there was peace in the lands.

    I bought a 20x20 plot of land, gather stacks upon stacks of wheat seeds, and built my first wheat farm. A simply field, it grew into a water harvest tower, then a half-built sky water harvest farm. I now had plenty of wheat and begin to sell my new found product to all those who needed food. As time went on, I sold my mineral wealth and sold more bread and seed and planned on a new farm.

    So next I bought a grand piece of land, 200x200 blocks long in a desert and named my self mayor of it. A new village was formed around a castle, surrounded in a valley of wheat. The Valley of wheat was formed November 13, 2018, and many farmers enjoy a simple life farming wheat, peddling their wares, selling many a bread to many a people.

    I am now a man burdened with wheat, much wheat, much bread, some cookies, and seeds. I have built a bakery in my lovely town, but it's not enough. I have plans to sell more bread, more wheat, more cookies, not for the money, or the glory, but to continue to provide a wonderful, simple life for the farmers in my village. I need to expand my bakery operations.

    I, therefore, am looking to buy small tracks of land 5x5 near a warp or market stalls in towns with /warps, to set up bread and cookie bakery stands. I will provide a great service that will supply your local residents and visitors with all the bread and cookies that they may need. In return, I will pay you for said land or market stall, provide food to your town at a reasonable rate, and advertise your /warp in my bakery ad in-game. To contact me, leave a message below, send me a private forum message, message me in-game, or send me a letter in-game. Please include your name, town name with /warp, and the amount you would want for either a small 5x5 close to the warp or a market stall in your market.

    Though this may seem simple, this is a bakery that touches many people all across the lands and feeds many more. I look forward to conducting business with whoever may take me up on my offer.

    Mayor of the Valley of Wheat.

    Welcome to the Valley of Wheat Bakery
    Visit at /warp WheatValley.
    Current in-game advertisement: Selling bread! $120 per 64 and bulk orders. Visit at /warp WheatValley or /Pm SirChilled or even fine us online at
    Here we specialize in selling the best bread and other wheat related product to all across the lands of ECC. All of our wheat is locally grown and harvest in the Valley of Wheat and then hand baked in the local bakery. We hope to provide the best bread service we can at affordable prices while employing many of our local farmers and providing them with a place to live.

    We sell bread in both small and bulk amounts, at affordable rates. We also sell other related items such as wheat and cookies too. We hope you enjoy our product.

    Current Rates:
    -64 Bread for $120
    -Double chest of Bread $6,300 (54 stacks)
    -64 Cookies for $8
    -64 Wheat for $42.

    Current Locations:
    -The Valley of Wheat, the original bakery. Visit at /warp Wheatvalley then head straight a little way to the little bakery on the right next to the pile of hay.
    -Hopefully, more locations to come in the future.
    #1 SirChilledMrHobo, Dec 19, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2019