Currently my town Daewulf has no real reputation, but I am now selling plots and co-ownership! 10x10 plot: $1100 20x20 plot: $3000 15x15 plot: $2050 30x30 plot: $8,100 Co-Ownership- 25-50k (Must have teleport and prefferably erepair) Features of Joining a 10x10x29 wheat/potato/carrot/netherwart farm (not fully complete) 70x20x1 pumpkin farm Free water Free normal repairs A fishing area (no tables D: ) A portal To Be Added 70x20x5 pumpkin farm Selling perms to 200x100x2 pumpkin farm for 10k Free teleports Erepairs A much larger wheat farm- Possibly 20x20x20 Co-Owners Eekelmo There will be more added upon requests or thoughts of things. Enjoy the town! Just /pm 12345shane to ask to join the town! All ranks allowed! You may own a maximum of 5 plots! Some people may be allowed more! I'm glad to present the Wolfbane branch of plots may be created and unveiled within the next 2-3 weeks!