Just wanna give a public thanks for @Monkeyz505 Due to the recent removal of several ratings (thank you very much) I went under 1,500 ratings. Without being told/asked to, monkey was kind enough to rate over 30 posts to get me back above it. I will likely be returning the favour, and you could give him a few as well for being an awesome person. Thanks monkey! <3 Spoiler: proof-do I need proof?
Yes it's true. I stopped playing ECC a while ago, and I'm starting to drift out of the forums now. Don't let it make you think that you won't have fun on ECC, I just got bored of it after a while.
I don't really consider it cheating because I already had the ratings previously. It's not like I paid someone to rate all my posts, each one I got fair and square. I lost some however to the removal of some ratings (to which no reason was provided except for "they weren't needed"). I also never asked monkey to bump be back up to what I had, he did that on his own accord.
I see your point, But having someone rate your posts purposely just so you can get back to your old rating count, is, to me, cheating.
I'm sorry you feel that way. Also I never asked him to do it; saying "having someone" implies that I asked him.